come here hunny

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I dont know what it is. I guess it's just one of those days where every step and evey move feels like it takes you all your power. I just want to go to sleep..
I grab a cup of hot chocolate as I stagger trough the apartment. The gray sky was hang my heavy dark clouds keppeng us from every little bit of vitamin D.

"I miss the sun" I mumble as I make my way to the bed were someone already had taken the covers for themselves. "Hey move I need rest love" Shawn just murrured something, but made space for me. He even rose his arm with the blanket so I could snuggle myself next to him. "Come here hunny" His graggy voice wisperd, too weak to use his full voice.

Wrapped my arms around him and he pulled the blanket over us. He pulled me close to his chest and rested his head on mine.

"I love you Y/n"
"I lov you too Shawn"

My eyes flattered close with the feeling of Shawn's warm hands tracing over the skin under my hoodie.

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