Not the butterflies

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I tried to dry my cheeks with the sleeve of my jaket but with every tear I wiped away two more came to take its place. The hard tiling underneath me caused the cold to pull trough me  whole body as my grip around the plasic stick tightens untill my knockels turned white.

Pictures of earlier this night rushed back into my mind. His voice braking as he yells at me. His hand agressivly running though the hair as he walkes around the room...
A new torrent of tears escaped my eyes. I pulled my legs close to my chest to rest my head of my chest.. I couldn't do this..not alone..but now I was alone..he had left..I wanted to go home..I didn't want to be on the floor of this shitty bathroom stall on this shitty party...I wanted to cuddle up under a blanket and just exhausted..

"Y/N?!" A familiar voice called trough the  loud notices of the party outside. "Y/n are you here?" "Y..year" my voice failed on me as I try to speech up and only a craced breathe came out of my mouth. "Oh my god are you ok?!. Y/n please let me in". My hand was  shaking as I reached out to unlock the door. As Camila saw me there on the ground I could see this look in her eyes people have on there eyes when seeing a hurt puppy or something like that. She kneeled down next to me. Laying her arm around me. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Still shivering I loosen the grip around the test.

"You're.. you're pregnant?" I sniffed noding "b.but what's wrong with that? I mean you're both old enough and as far as u know Shawn always wanted kids.." "we...we had a was stupid..he..he got jellous over nothing and than he stormed out and..I think." I left a break befor my next sencince because it took all my courage and power to say the following "I think we broke up.." For a few seconds there was silence but then Camila grabbed my arm to help me get back up. "First of all we should get you home. You should get some rest. And tomorrow we'll think of a solution" she stroked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Don't worry. It's gonna be fine"

My arm around her shoulder she helped me get out of the building and in a taxi. As we arrived in my apartment she helped me get out of my dress and brought me to bed. What did I do to deserve such a good friend like her. Camila would always try her best to help me. "Thank you Mila. So much I don't know what to do without you" I sniffed as she covers me with a blanket. "Oh sweetie. You mean way too much to me to let you down now." Her soft smile was the last thing I sawn before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of voices in the room next door. I startled sitting up in bed. It took me some seconds to realize where I was and what happened last night. By the thought of that I felt my eyes getting wet again. Was Camila still here? And if not. What was that sound. Courious I pushed back the blanket and stood up. The voices came from the kitchen. They wisperd but one of them was Camila on that I was sure. "Hello?"

I opened the door to the little kitchen relieving too people standing around the small table. The fist one was Mila but before I could see who the other was I felt two muscular arms wrap around me hugging me tight. "Y/n.." he wisperd with a hurt tone in his voice. heart skipped a beat. "I'm so sorry Y/n. For yelling at you. For everything I said. Camila told me and I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you. I don't want to loose you. I couldn't live without you. I got jellous over this stupid guy and let my anger out on you. It was a stupid fight. I was stupid I'm sorry. I love you. Will you forgive me?" His words trumbled as he spoke so fast that I had problems understanding everything he said...

He pulled back a bit I could see him in his eyes. They were all red and glasy. He had cryed...just like me. He was here. His didn't leave..Was he telling the truth?. Because if, then there was just one thing left to do.

Wimmers escaped my lips. But this time they weren't grown from saidnes and despair. I wrapped my arms around his torso and let my face sink in the fabric of his shirt. Our sobs turned into giggles, still accompanied by tears but now they were tears of joy.

"I'm going to leave you guys alone ;)" Camila wisperd making us laugh lightly.
A while we just stood there in each other embrace our forheard leaned against each other. "I love you Shawn" I wisperd against him lips. "Oh believe me my darling" he giggled "I love you too" As our lips collided the butterflys in my stomach went wild. Or maybe it was not butterflies but the little thing inside my tummy which, in some months would turn our world upside down in the best way possible..

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