Chapter Ten: Cricket

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Andie took a deep breath after Madiline disappeared. She was not afraid anymore. The sun was fully out now, the people of Cricket began to wake up. Andie walked forward, not looking back.
Soon shs was at the town sign. "Now leaving Cricket," she read outloud. Those words were like a verbal heaven to her ears. Any other day, passing this sign would cause the day to start over. Andie felt a shain in her chest when she relized she could've started over the day Belle died.
Without a thought, Andie walked forward, passing the sign. She could leave Cricket.
"Bye Gram, Dad, Taz, Will, Darian. Bye Cricket," she said lokking back. She turned back around with only the desert horizon in view. Under her smile, she added, "Life never wanted me to leave."

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