Chapter Five: Mentally Sick

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Her phone wad vibrating while her ringtone blasted with sound. Andie mumbled something, stiff half asleep. She opened her eyes, staring straight into the rising sunlight that crept inside from a crack in the blinds. Darian's blinds.
She sat up so fast it nearly gave her a migraine. Her phone was still ringing as she slowly looked to her left. Darian lay next to her, asleep. She checked the date. It was Saturday; the day didn't start over.
Andie choked on regret as she scrambled to put on her clothes that were scattered across the floor. She looked at her phone. The ringing stopped and she saw all the miscalls and texts from Taz.
"Oh no..." She clicked through the voice mails.
"Hey Andie! Where you at? I just got to the library." This was from twenty one gours ago. Andie had spent the entire day and night with her best friend's boyfriend. She clicked next. "It's been an hour-" "Andie, this is not funny. You need to-" "Darian's gone missing too! I looked-" "We need to talk."
Andie couldn't keep her breathing steady. "Darian, wake the heck up!"
He snorted. "Huh? What? What?"
"Taz has been calling like crazy."
"Shit!" Darian checked his phone. "Tewleve missed calls, six messages, a spam of texts!"
"I'm dead." Andie said. Her tone started out emotionless, then gradually became more anxious after every time she said, "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'M DEAD DARIAN!"
"Calm down, Andilynn! Don't worry-"
"Tell me not to worry one more time, I swear-" There was a knock at the door. Both of them stared at the door for a while. "Well! Answer!"
"You're the one with clothes on!" He managed to whisper and shout at once.
"Fine!" He wiggled in clothes and wobbled over to the door. "Taz!"
"Where have you been? Here this whole time? Oh, I was so worried!" She hugged him tight. "We have to find An-" Taz went dead silent when she saw Andie over his shoulder. They locked eyes. Slowly, Taz's grip on Darian loosened until her arms where defensively wrapped around herself. She looked at him, no longer able to see the charm in his eyes as she used to.
Taz opened her mouth but no words came out. She turned around and walked away.
"Taz! Please! Wait!" Andie sprang up out of bed and chased after her friend. "Please let me explain."
"No!" Taz screamed, pushing Andie to the ground when she tried to touch her. Andie was too numb to feel the pain of the desert's cracked floor. "You might me mentally sick, but that's does not excuse you being physically sick."
Andie found herself on a floor crying... Again. "Please, I'm sorry. I-I-I don't know why I did that. Please Taz....."
She kept walking without looking back. "Only my friends call me Taz, Andilynn."
Andie sat on the ground, reflecting on life. "I need to get outta here."
Darian was still leaning on the door frame when Andie got to her feet. "This is my fault."
Andie sighed. "Partially. I'm the one who asked for this."
"And I said yes."
"I need to leave."
"Yeah, I'm sure your Mom and Dad are dead worried."
Andie swallowed hard. "That would just be my Mom."
Darian winced. "Oh, I'm sorry. Wrong choice of words."
"Whatever. It's fine. And I meant leave town. Can you do a favor for me?"
"I need you to drive me out of town. Gram once told me there is a town nearby."
"How far?"
"I's walking distance, but it would take about an hour to get there. A few miles."
"Okay. Pack your bags."
"Actually I don't need any."
"Then how-"
"It's fine. Let's go." Darian got behind the wheel, and Andie sat next to him. He turned the key, backed out and drove forward. She put on her seatbelt, seeing Darian wasn't doing the same. "Your seatbelt."
"I see it."
"Put it on!"
"Why? I never do."
"And when was the last time you drove muliple miles out of Cricket?" He shrugged. "Exactly. Just do it. I don't trust your driving."
"Fine." He did. "So, whatcha planning on doing when you get there?"
"I don't know. Live."
"Great plan," he said sarcastically. "So how am I going to keep in contact with you?"
Andie shifted her position in her seat. "If you're thinking about giving me your number then I'm sorry. What just happened with Taz, I can't-"
"It's not Taz anymore, remember? It's Tazanna."
Andie rolled her eyes. "Fine." She took his phone as he drove and entered her number. Soon the town sign came up. Andie's heart wouldn't stop thumping, afraid of what was going to happen. And just as Andie predicted, the car jolted and took a sharp turn left. Andie screamed.
"Andie, hang on! I don't even know what happened- It just- It just-" And everyhting went black.

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