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"Eunwoo, you get annoyed by these things too easily" Jinwoo murmured after he heard the whole story told him about what happened to him this morning and he took another bite of his sandwich.

It's true, Eunwoo does get annoyed easily by loud or so-called 'the funny kids of class' but to him, they were just problematic kids.

Eunwoo shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever it's just annoying to me."

When Eunwoo entered high school he was very excited to make new friends and learn about new topics. He didn't even once think about the fact that once you enter high school, personalities of students can somewhat change due to the thing called puberty. Change for the worse in Eunwoo's opinion. Students start to misbehave or have a big mouth to the teachers. Undisciplined, Eunwoo always thought about those kinds of people. He wasn't in his first year anymore, in fact, it was the beginning of his final year and Eunwoo was more than ready to leave this stupid thing called high school.

"Why can't you just ignore it?"
Eunwoo choked on his drink hearing Jinwoo's suggestion. After coughing about a hundred times he looked at his older friend. "Don't you think I have tried that already?" Eunwoo felt the frustration he had about the topic rise up again. "You're telling me it's possible to ignore it every time the teacher has to stop his lesson to tell those annoying ass children to be quiet. I'm tired to hear that same stupid speech the teacher gives. Even though it's not directed at me, I do have to hear it every time!"

"Whoah whoah, I didn't know you would get mad. I'm sorry, and to be honest, I don't know what you can do about it, Eunwoo." Before Eunwoo could answer he heard a voice calling out and someone sitting down on the free chair next to him. "Hey, I know you! You were the guy that fucking disrespected Mr. Peterson!" Eunwoo looked to his side and saw the same boy that was calling out to him before he exited the class. Him, followed by two other guys that he didn't know either.

Eunwoo sighed, he didn't want a conversation with this guy. He looked away, "tch". From the other side of the table, he heard Jinwoo snicker. "Our Eunwoo disrespected a teach?" He asked before bursting out laughing. The boy nodded at Jinwoo and laughed along casually without even knowing why Jinwoo laughed in the first place. Eunwoo sighed once again and stood up. "I didn't disrespect him, he disrespected me so he made me angry."

Eunwoo wasn't down with this mood that was hanging around the table so he felt like he had to leave. He needed a moment for himself. He made his way to his locker and grabbed the books he needed for his upcoming classes. "Hey!" he heard the same voice from earlier calling out to him again. In frustration, he slammed his locker shut. "What?!" he asked the boy that was now alone.

The sudden aggression seemed to startle the boy and he took a step back. "Why are you following me?" Eunwoo asked him since the boy didn't seem like he was going to say anything. The boy shrugged "I don't know, you seem cool so I guess that's why."

"Well don't" Eunwoo started. "I know what type of person you are, Moonbin, and I dislike people like you. No, that's an understatement let me rephrase, I hate people like you so don't bother me anymore." Eunwoo stood in front of his locker with his books in his hand held down to his side. The boy in front of him looked troubled by what he just told him but Eunwoo didn't even care one bit. It was the truth, he didn't want people like that hanging around him so he'd better be clear to them. "You know my name?" Moonbin asked him shocked. "Yeah, when I was in the classroom for five minutes I heard the teacher say it like ten times." Eunwoo said with annoyance, was that the only thing he picked up out of all that he said?

Before the boy could respond with anything the two friends that followed him earlier called out his name from the end of the hallway. "YO MOONBIN!" The boy looked up and past Eunwoo. "YEAH?" He shouted back, causing Eunwoo to flinch because of the loudness of his voice. "COME HERE!" His friends shouted back at him again.

Moonbin set his first step to making his way to his friends but before he could set any other Eunwoo grabbed the back of his shirt. "Yo Moonbin, next time you decide to have a conversation with your friends don't do it all over the hallway because I think I have hearing damage now due to that loud ass voice of yours." Eunwoo said and let go of him.

He walked away back to the table where he hoped Jinwoo was still sitting at. He didn't look back on what Moonbin's reaction could be to what he said. In fact, he didn't even care about what his reaction would be. Maybe Moonbin didn't care about what he said and maybe he would hate him from now on. Honestly, Eunwoo hoped that he would start to hate his guts, at least he wouldn't even think about bothering him anymore then.

"You're back?" A surprised Jinwoo said as he looked up from his phone. "Yeah," Eunwoo said as he sat back down and rested his face in his hands. "Seems like you made a new friend.." Jinwoo said in a low voice. He knew damn well that this comment would trigger Eunwoo but he couldn't help but to say it. Eunwoo looked up at his older friend. "What?" He started. "A new friend? I don't even know that guy."

Jinwoo grinned at Eunwoo's expression about mentioning the boy, "I'm lowkey sure that you will know him in the near future."

"Fuck off"

Jinwoo laughed softly and looked back down at his phone. He was talking to someone and to Eunwoo's surprise it wasn't his mom. Eunwoo couldn't decipher who it was. He squinted his eyes as an attempt to read the texts upside down.

"I Will be there in a minute... Kissyface" He mumbled. "Yah, Jinwoo, who will be here in a minute? And who is sending you kissy faces?!"

Jinwoo's eyes shot up from his phone "You're reading my chat?" he asked as he locked his screen. "Who is it?" Eunwoo ignored Jinwoo's question. His eyes lit up from excitement. Is his best friend potentially dating someone? "Nobody! Can you like, leave?" Jinwoo said as he held his phone against his chest. He knew that Eunwoo was able to open his phone with his own fingerprint since he installed it on his phone.

"I have to leave? Your boo could be coming here any minute?" Eunwoo couldn't enjoy this moment anymore. "No.. He isn't.." Jinwoo murmured and blushed a deep red and looked down in defeat.

"Oh my god, I'm not going anywhere this is perfect" Eunwoo laughed and started to look around for a boy that would be heading to their table.


Lol I wanted to save what I wrote but accidentally published it :')

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