Say The Name...

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"Yo Binnie!" A voice sounded from the direction where Eunwoo saw Moonbin's two friends sitting before. In response, Eunwoo's eyes diverted to the entrance door and saw the boy himself, Moonbin, standing there. Not only was he just standing there, but he was also staring at Eunwoo. The younger held his backpack in his hands sloppily by one of the straps and his coat was already half off.

Eunwoo quickly moved back from the sip he was taking since Binnie kept on staring. What was he supposed to do in a situation like this, wave? "And did you like it?" Ahrin asked him as she put down the glass after taking a sip herself. Her comment made Eunwoo snap back to reality "yeah it was alright, I prefer my drink though" he tried to say as kindly as possible.

Eunwoo glanced back at the entrance but Moonbin already seemed to take his seat at his two friends, glancing back once just as Eunwoo was doing. Much time wasn't there to stare at each other though, as Moonbin his two friends asked for his attention and Ahrin pulled Eunwoo back into reality.

"Do you know him?" Ahrin asked as she continued to drink from her so-called Woo Woo. Eunwoo, totally out of it, simply nodded. "Yeah, I guess you could say that I know him" he mumbled and stared down at the old wooden table in front of him. "Do you want to sit with them?" She askes nicely and smiles. Before Eunwoo could give an answer though, Ahrin already stood up and walked over at the table of Moonbin and his friends. He didn't want this, it would only make things more awkward than they already were.

Ahrin seemed to talk to Minhyuk and the other friend who's name was still a mystery to Eunwoo and after a short while she turned and suggested to Eunwoo that he had to come over. Reluctantly Eunwoo stood up and shambled over to the boot where the others were sitting. "sit over here Eunwoo." Ahrin said as she pointed at the seat that was in straight in front of Moonbin.

If he could, Eunwoo would've already left the pub and ran home but social pressure got the better of him. There was no way that he could just leave now. Softly grunting, Eunwoo took the seat and Ahrin followed the spot next to him. The three others were now sitting in front of them. How on earth could Ahrin not sense that this was more than awkward?

With hesitation, Eunwoo looked up at Moonbin. Unfortunately though, Moonbin was doing the exact same thing. They both looked each other in the eyes for a short second or two until Bin broke the eye contact again. Understandable though, this was as awkward as a social situation could get.

Slowly and painfully the conversation that the boys were having before was starting again. As Ahrin tried to join in and talk along about whatever the topic was, Moonbin and Eunwoo remained silent. Now, what made it awkward for Moonbin to talk though? Eunwoo tried to think back to the night last week and went over all the steps that happened. There shouldn't be one thing there why he would suddenly start to be self-conscious and awkward around the older. As for Eunwoo, he just felt too awkward and afraid to ask Moonbin to chill and stuff himself. 

As things couldn't get much worse, as Eunwoo lifted his arm to take the Mojito from the table in front of him, Ahrin took that opportunity to clasp on to the boy's arm again. "We should go again next week Woonie. Together with them, it's so much fun~" Ahrin said so happy and soft, almost like it was a whole act. "Ah, I don't know eh... Jeong Ahrin I don't know if the others want to too." Eunwoo said as he carefully tried to unclasp Ahrin from himself. This girl really seemed to know when the worst time was to say something. "Ah, Eunwoo~ I'm pretty sure that they're all available!" She whined and leaned her head on the shoulder of Eunwoo.

"Minhyuk!" Ahrin started as she was implying to ask if the boys were all available next week. Minhyuk carefully nodded yes as he was taken by surprise. "Sanha!" The boy apparently named Sanha also nodded yes and it seemed like he had nothing against it. "Binnie" Ahrin moved on to Bin who seemed to snap out of his stare and looked at the girl and shrugged.

First of all, how does this girl seem to know all of their names after 15 Minutes? It was until now that Eunwoo finally had figured out Sanha's name. Is he lacking skill at something or is this girl psychic? Ahrin, who was being too touchy again, almost jumped all over Eunwoo and asked him the same question. "Eunwoo, you'll be there too right?~"

"I.. I don't kno-" Before Eunwoo could finish his sentence, Moonbin finally seemed to speak up. "Yo Ahrin, I wouldn't get your hopes up with this guy, Dongmin probably will say no and be here next week with some other girl. Now, don't throw yourself all over him and have some self-respect." Moonbin said leaving everyone at the boot openmouthed. After he finished his sentence Bin stood up grabbed his belongings and walked away.

Now, what the hell was that? When and why did this guy snap all of a sudden? On what was what he said based? Eunwoo never declined Bin's plans to go here again today because, in fact, he never suggested it. "Ya, Eunwoo, is that true?" Ahrin asked as she seemed to start her own Korean drama. This girl couldn't get more over the top. "Tch, whatever, could you please leave Ahrin? I don't have time for this." Eunwoo said as he reckoned that this was the perfect time to get rid of her.  And, as easy as he said it, Ahrin left all frustrated, leaving Eunwoo together at the table with Minhyuk and Sanha.

Slowly Eunwoo shifted his gaze between the two of Moonbin's friends. "So.. What's up with Bin?" he carefully asked, not trying to get on their bad side. "I don't know... He seemed a bit down before but that's about it." Sanha said as his eyes seemed to dream around inside the room. "alright, excuse me please.." Eunwoo said as he stood up, leaving his jacket and other stuff at the table with Sanha and Minhyuk.

He left the pub and walked into the direction where the two were walking last week. Eunwoo remembered Bin saying that his home was also in this direction. The younger couldn't be far, maybe Eunwoo was able to catch up with him. He needed to explain everything to Moonbin.

Everything I hate about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant