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It was just like any other day at school. Some students payed actual attention what the teacher in the front was explaining and some others didn't seem to care. But at the end it all came to the same conclusion. To Eunwoo school was and always will be extremely, excruciatingly, utterly boring, which is odd. Doesn't school has to be fun or something?

Eunwoo didn't sit in the back nor front in the class. Just somewhere in the middle, trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. He wouldn't even try anymore if he were to sit next to a window. Then he would just doze off and stare outside. But in this certain class, his fate was in the absolute middle. No windows. Well, even though he tried to pay attention, he wasn't able to do so due to some of his loud classmates. Why doesn't the teacher just kick them out?

He glanced at the teacher who was trying to keep order over his class. "Tch, pathetic." Eunwoo mumbled through his teeth. Everything about this class irritated him and he just wished this school year would come to an end already. Even though it just started.

"Lee Dongmin!" The teacher called out to him. Eunwoo snapped back from his thoughts and looked with a questioned face. He wasn't doing anything wrong so why would the teacher call out to him? The teacher made a movement with his hand that he had to come over to the front.

With a sigh, Eunwoo stood up and slowly made his way to his teacher who was taking a folder out of his desk drawer. "I wanted to ask you if you could take this folder to Mr. Peterson in class A306? Just say that he got it from me." The teacher said with a sweet yet insecure smile. "Sure" Eunwoo answered as he took the folder. "But what was your name again?"

"W..White" The teacher answered and Eunwoo nodded and turned around to leave the hellish classroom as soon as possible. "Thank you anyways, Dongmin." He heard Mr. White say right before he left. He stopped and turned around. "It's Eunwoo." And with that being said, he left.

Eunwoo hasn't always been like this at school. He used to honestly like school but due to other students outrageous misbehavior and teachers piss asses that he grew a giant disliking and irritation towards the weekly hell he is forced to go by the law.

On his way to the classroom of the so-called Mr. Peterson, he had to go a floor lower. The school he was attending to was big so he took his time. He was doing his own teacher a favor so Eunwoo decided he could take as long as he wanted to.

Somewhere in the middle of a hallway, Eunwoo stopped. He made his way to the windows and started to stare to the outside world that was in front of him. He saw a few smaller buildings, some students hanging around at the picnic tables that were placed outside the school. He couldn't see what they were doing. Probably smoking at least something, Eunwoo assumed.

Eunwoo's short-lived moment of calm and silence was disturbed by two boys running through the hallway while talking, no, screaming very loud.

"I swear to god It's all your fault that we're late!" One of the boy's shouted to the other who was running in front. The other boy stopped running and turned around. "God you're such a pussy, we're not even that late, I bet that old man won't even be that mad!"

Eunwoo took a glance at his watch and saw that classes already started for over 40 minutes. "Not even that late. Tch" Eunwoo repeated after the other boys were far enough to not be able to hear him.

Once the silence returned in the long hallway Eunwoo continued his way to class A306 which wasn't far from where he actually was. He walked past another 5 classroom doors or something until he arrived at the certain classroom he needed to be at.

He looked at the folders in his hands and sighed. Why does he even need to do this? Couldn't Mr. White hand these papers to Mr. Peterson himself? Eventually, Eunwoo knocked on the door and opened it. "Mr. Peterson?" He started.

The teacher took a glance at Eunwoo who was still standing halfway in the doorway. "No, wait one minute." He told Eunwoo. Great now I will have to wait in this random ass class.

Mr. Peterson seemed to be busy with two boys standing in front of him. "You will be on time in my class!" He told the two boys strictly. Once Eunwoo took a second look at the boys, they seemed to be the same ones that were running around the hallways a few minutes earlier.

"But Sir!" One of the boys started. "No, I don't want to hear it Moon Bin. You come on time or you don't come at all. You're 44 minutes late, you're lucky I still let you two attend the class. Now, go two your seats and I don't want to hear one of you once, otherwise, you will be dismissed."

Once the two boys took their seats, Mr. Peterson looked back at Eunwoo who was still standing in the doorway. "What is it?" He asked. Eunwoo stepped forward and made his way to the teacher. "Mr. White told me I had to hand these to you."

"Okay, then you also could've just stepped in and put them on my desk, couldn't you?" The teacher told him harshly which caused Eunwoo to look up very irritated at him. Instead of handing the teacher the folder, he dropped it down on his desk. "I also don't do this because I like it." He said and turned around to leave.

"Don't bother about him, he's always like that!" A voice shouted from the back of the class, but Eunwoo could only ignore such stupid comments. Mr. Peterson's head shot to the boy he gave a scolding to earlier. "And now you get out Moon Bin!"

Eunwoo closed the door behind still hearing the arguments between the teacher and student through the wall.

He had no idea that there could be students behaving even worse than in his own class.

Hi everyone, I hope y'all liked the first chapter of my new Binu/ Binwoo (whatever you prefer) Fanfic :)

Let me know if you liked it, then I will gladly update this story <3

Everything I hate about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz