The Only Exception

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"I'd never sing of love if it does not exist, but darling, you are, the only exception" -The Only Exception *Paramore

10 December 1967 5.42pm Glasgow, Scotland

"Thank you fer meetin' with me Mr McCartney," a man with a thick Glasgow accent said sitting in a large comfy chair of the hotel lobby across from Paul. He pulled out a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, a tape recorder and a notepad.

"Pleasure," Paul said smiling warmly. "Call me Paul"

"Will Miss McLeod be joining us?" the Scottish reporter asked.

"Soon," Paul said lighting a cigarette "She went out to get pasties from the little shop on the corner, she's a fan"

The reporter laughed.

"The two of ya' have been together a wee while now," he said "Any plans ta' marry?"

"Shh.." Paul said hushing the reporter with a smile "This is not to be reported on until after the New Year, but what I will say is--there she is!"

Paul and the reporter looked up as Charli entered the hotel lobby with a box of pasties in her hands and trying to balance two glass cups full of cream and raspberries on top.

"Oh, hullo" she said finding a place to set the box and glasses down "I'm sorry, I didn't realise we'd have company"

"It's alright luv," Paul smiled as she sat down next to him " Mr Selkirk just wanted a brief interview for the local newspapers"

"Pleasure ta' meet ya's" Charli said extending a hand as the reporter known as Mr Selkirk shook it. She turned to Paul.

"They'd just made a lovely cranachan, I couldn't resist," she said handing him a glass of the cream and raspberry mixture, "The lady at the shop said she added a bit extra whiskey..."

"Then it's a proper cranachan" Mr Selkirk laughed. "Are the two of you in Glasgow long?"

"Sadly no," Paul shook his head "Just the night, we're on our way to me farm in Kintyre for a bit of a holiday. But we plan to hit a proper Scottish pub for dinner tonight"

"Have you ever been to our lovely country, Miss McLeod?" Mr Selkirk said smiling at Charli.

She finished the bite of cranachan before speaking.

"First visit," Charli smiled "It's beautiful"

"Well, we're quite pleased to have both of ya's. Yer book is selling faster than any shops can keep it on the shelf, and Paul, a new Beatles movie just after Christmas. Any talks of a new album after Magical Mystery Tour" Mr Selkirk complimented.

"We're always planning to record something," Paul laughed "We're on a bit of a break for Christmas, need a little time to spend with our families"

He smiled and held Charli's hand, she blushed and smiled to herself.


"Thanks, luv," Paul said as he drank his beer "The people of Glasgow are really lovely, couldn't help but give an interview"

"It's fine," Charli smiled warmly. "I don't mind interviews, I just don't like some of the stupid questions they've been asking me and Jenny since Hawthorne Woods was published. Confidentially, I'm a wee bit in love with Glasgow"

"Just wait until you see the farm" Paul winked happily. Charli had been happy to have a holiday away from everything with just Paul for a few days. London would be busy when they returned, she would have more press meetings for the book and they had The Beatles annual Christmas party/Magical Mystery Tour party. They sat in a dark pub together, a warm fire nearby. Despite the cold weather outside, it was anything but quiet inside the pub, they had walked into a full Scottish Ceilidh celebrating the wedding of a young couple.

And I Love Her (Paul McCartney/Beatles fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora