Baby, I'm a Queen

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"I might prefer desire to self control
I might prefer crying to being composed
I might prefer chaos to even flow
Its too soon for sense though" ~ Baby, I'm a Queen - Sofi Tukker

**Trigger Warnings:  PTSD, anxiety, drugs**

15 June 1967 2.07pm

"I swear," Jenny said as she and Charli walked back to her home on Cavendish Avenue "You and Paul, know all the best places for food and booze"

Charli smirked "We need proper fuel if we're going to get this bloody book finished"

"I love the way yer mind works" Jenny laughed. The peered at the crowded gate.

"Paul must be home," Charli noted. There had been a few fans gathered around before they left, but they'd doubled in numbers.

"Ugh..." Jenny groaned "I love coming over to see the two of you, but I hate this part"

"You don't have to deal with it every day" Charli shrugged.

"At least the press likes you now" Jenny encouraged.

"True. The press thinks I'm some sort of tattooed fairy after that performance....but the fans still hate me" Charli laughed. Very few fans had been kind to her, despite Paul telling them to behave.

"They love focussing on your tattoos don't they?" Jenny laughed distracting Charli as they pushed their way through to the gate. "I still can't believe you met Hendrix,"

"Jimi is really lovely, very kind" Charli smiled as she tried grabbing for her keys "Mind holding this luv?"

Jenny took the bag full of alcohol and snacks from Charli as she fumbled with her keys. A large girl with mousy brown hair stepped in front of her.

"Excuse me," Charli said angrily.

"I came all the way from America to see him, to be with him" she sneered.

"That's nice, you wasted a plane ticket," Charli said trying to push past her.

"You don't deserve him" the American girl hissed.

"Leave off, will ya'?" Jenny bit as they pushed past her.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" The girl grabbed Charli by her upper arm. The memory of her father grabbing her arm in the same way coursed through her body as she screamed loudly and frantically tried unlocking the gate.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Jenny yelled angrily pulling the girl off of Charli.

"I'll do what I want!" The fan yelled. A few others laughed at the situation, fewer gasped in horror as Charli shook violently while Jenny helped her inside.

"Fucking bitches!" Jenny yelled at them as she locked the gate. She looked to Charli who had gone pale white and stared nowhere still shaking.

"Hey, it's alright" Jenny tried soothing "You're home now"

Without thinking she placed a hand on Charli's shoulder.

"No!" Charli sobbed as she dropped to the ground cowering away from her best friend.

"Shite...Shite..." Jenny panicked "C'mon luv, it's me"

Charli screamed again stuck inside her memory.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Martha was frantically pawing at the front door and barking loudly.

"Chrissakes Martha," Paul grumbled as he got up from reading his paper "It's just the bleeding fans, calm down!"

Martha only barked louder and rushed to the window. Paul pulled the curtain back seeing Charli on the ground and Jenny desperately trying to help her.

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