15- The Final Battle

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-Avalon's POV-

Everyone stood in awe. They were amazed to see me again, and I was amazed to see them. Keaton had posted a picture of everyone at the hospital on Instagram, and I saw Paige hurt. She's my best friend, so I had to come see her.

"Avalon!" Everyone shouted, then everyone gave me a hug. I went over to Paige and gave her a super tight one.

"We missed you so much!" Winter exclaimed.

"Totally! And um... Just wondering... Why is Monica here?" I asked.

"Oh! I quit Element and Fusion asked me if I wanted to join," Monica explained.

"Oh," I said. "So... You're my replacement?"

"No! I mean... Yes... I don't even know," Monica responded.

"Well, we didn't think you'd come back and we needed someone... So..." Tyler explained.

"But now you're back! So you're going to dance with us right? Including Monica?" Chloe asked.

"No why?" I responded.

"What?! Av you HAVE to dance! You're one of our best dancers," Scotty begged.

"I'm sorry, but, I quit dance for a reason. I couldn't deal with so much presure," I explained. "But, I'm glad you made it to the finals."

"Avalon! Do it for me!" Paige begged.

"Please!" Everyone begged.

"I couldn't anyway. You probably have enough dancers," I replied.

"Well, I'm staying here with Paige. There's no way I'm leaving her alone," Winter explained.

"Me too," Elena agreed.

"See? If we do the dance we planned, we have enough dancers! We need three boys- Tyler, Keaton, and myself- and three girls- Monica, Chloe, and you!" Scotty explained.

I sighed. "I get to pick the outfits."

Everyone cheered and agreed, I had thought I quit dance forever. But, I'm back.

- The Next Day-

 The next day I drove back home where my mother was cleaning and Trina was reading a book I tossed off my heels and ran upstairs. I let down my hair,  then started packing the costumes. I put my my dress. in a brown shopping bag, along with the sneakers. It was a black dress ad fishnet sleeves and my converse. I grabbed two flower dresses and other sneakers and ran back downstairs, and my mom stopped me.

"Where do you think your going?" She asked me.

"My team needs me, mom! This is the final battle!" I exclaimed.

"Avalon your not going anywhere! You have a job to do as a secra-"

I cut her off. "Yeah? Well, I quit." And with that, I ran off into my new car and drove to the dance hall.

Everyone was all ready there. I had the costumes in a shopping bag and I ran over to Monica and Chloe and we ran to the changing rooms. They put on they're costumes and the boys changed into theirs. For this competition, we had three judges. We had a girl named Emily Moore, a boy named Ryan Frost, and there famous dancer judge, Matt Steffanina. (BTW hes a AMAZING dance YouTuber.) Element had gone first, they did a dance to 'Fireflies' by Owl City. It was a calm dance, but, a little boring in my opinion. After them, we went to do our dance. It was Katy Perry's 'Unconditionally.'

"Now, welcome to the stage, Fusion!" The host- Willow- announced. She stepped on the stage and Monica, Chloe, and myself went on stage. Everyone went quiet, then the music started.

Oh, no, did I get to close?

Oh, did I almost see,

What's, really on the inside?


All you're, insecurities,

All, the dirty laundry,

Never made me blink one time...

Then, the lights on the stage went off, and turned back on again. The boys had come on to stage. Monica had Scotty, Chloe had Keaton, and I had Tyler.

Tyler and I danced together, and it was like magic. I knew I had developed feelings for him before but... This was different.

I think I was finally in love.

When I opened my eyes, Tyler was holding my hands. He looked hot, honestly. His hair was slicked back and he had on grey contacts. He spun me around, and I kept a straight face, even though I was hopelessly in love.



I will love you,


There is no fear now,

Let go and just be free,

I will love you,


At the end, Tyler had me in his arms. The lights slowly went out, and we all left the stage. We were all really excited, so we all silently highfived. I hugged everyone, and Tyler was last. I had to save the best for last. He smiled and hugged me tight, everyone else left to go get drinks and such.

"Do you think we'll win?" I asked.

"With your amazing dance skills, adding to everyone else's, I'm sure we'll win," he smiled. Then, Chloe came running back.

"Guys, we're getting called to the stage to talk to the judges," Chloe informed. We nodded and walked with her on stage. Element was already there, and now Fusion was too. The crowd went crazy, and Element was talked to first.

"Well, that was a AMAZING performance, for both the teams," Emily announced.

"Yes, absolutely amazing. Now, Element, you're dance was phanominal! I loved every move about it," Ryan agreed. "And Fusion, you're dance was great. I loved the moves, the music, and the costumes. The only thing I had a problem with, is that Miss Monica and Mr. Scotty were a little bit... Off. That's why my vote, has to go to Element."

The crowd cheered loud, and Element all high-fived each other.

"Ryan I have to disagree," Emily responded. "Element, you're moves are just amazing and you all seem like nice people, it's just that you're dances seem a bit... Boaring. Everyone has been doing the same thing. But Fusion, you make it work. You're dances are in beat, you work together as a team, and the costumes were amazing. Who decided on the costumes?"

"Ugh, me, Emily," I said as I stood out.

"Brilliant idea. Sneakers with dresses, I love'd it. That's why my vote has to go to Fusion," she added. The crowd roared even louder and we all smiled at each other.

"Well, Matt, you have the final vote," Ryan said to Matt.

"Teams, you both did amazing, you need to know that. You're dances were beautiful, you all knew what you were all doing, and I'm proud of both of you. Fusion, your dances were amazing. There were tiny mistakes here and there but, you all pulled through and created this amazing dance. Element, you're dance was... Wow. The dance was just perfection. I saw little mistakes, but barley nothing. You're dances are just amazing, and they deserve to have the whole world see them," Matt explained, that made my heart drop. I felt like he was going to pick Element. "But, I had a problem with Element. This team, does not work together as a team. You bicker a lot, and that's a problem."

There was silence besides the crowd.

"Well Matt the choice is yours. Who won Hip Hop International?" Emily asked, there was a very long pause. The crowd kept roaring and screaming either 'Element' or 'Fusion.'

"Well, if I have to choose someone," Matt said with a smile "I'd have to choose..."

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