5- Run Away

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-Avalon's POV-

Paige, Chloe, Ivan, and I had just finished teaching Tyler some things. It was ten minutes passed six, and I had a new bruise. I was teaching Tyler something with his hands but he punched my in face, on the cheek. Anyway, we we're teaching Tyler the dance for the competition next week, when Patrick walked in with Starbucks and in a rush.
"Sorry Im late everyone, traffic," He announced staring at his phone.
"Its fine, but-"
"Alright Im doing role call. Avalon?" He interrupted.
"Here! But-"
"Chloe?" He interrupted without looking at us.
"Here!" She announced.
"Cyrus?" He questioned.
"Yeah," Cyrus said.
"Elena?" He asked.
"Im here," She said.
"Ivan?" He asked.
"Yep," Ivan replied.
"Keaton?" he asked.
"Yo!" Keaton exclaimed.
"Steven?" Patrick asked.
It went silent. "Steven?"
"Um.. Steven cant dance..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
He froze, then dropped his Starbucks. "WHAT? STEVEN WAS MY STAR DANCER AND HE JUST QUIT?!"
"No! No! Steven fell off the stage and broke his right leg," Paige explained.
"We thought of that. Pat, meet Tyler. We've been training him for the past two hours and hes really good," Chloe explained.
"He still needs more practice, but I think hes got it," Ivan said.
Patrick sighed, "Fine. Steven was our team captain, and now we need a new one. Who wants to be a captain?"
Paige, Keaton, and Cyrus raised there hands, but then Paige put hers down and looked at me.
"How about Avalon?" She asked.
"What?" I asked shocked.
"Yeah! Shes been here the longest, and shes really good," Winter said.
"Alright Avalon your the captain," Patrick said. I was shocked, and amazed. ERMAGAWD!
"Congrats Av!" Keaton said high fiving me.
"Okay, I need to be out of here by 6:45 because my boyfriend and I have dinner reservations at 7," Patrick explained, did I menschen he was gay?
"Alright cool."

-Time Skip To Eight-

"Great job, Winter," I said to Winter as she nailed her backflip. Pat left me in charge and we had just finished the final move of the day.
"Alright guys we're done, be here Sunday for practice," I said as we grabbed our sweatshirts. Winter, Ivan, and Paige all drove off together to go see a movie, Keaton drove Chloe and Elena home and Tyler was driving me home.
"Thanks for the ride, my mom wont let me use her car," I said.
"No problem, Av. Your seventeen and you don't have a car?" He asked.
"Yeah. My house is right here," I said pointing at my house. He pulled over and I hopped out.
"Thanks," I said as I walked up my driveway. I walked in the house and tossed my bag on my floor, but my parents and siblings were in the living room. My mom got one look of the bruise on my cheek and ran over to me.
"Avalon Grace my dear! What happened?" She asked concerned. My dad came over to the fridge and put a bag of frozen peas on my cheek.
"Im fine! It was just an accident," I explained.
"Dancing?" My mom asked concerned.
"Yeah, it was an accident," I said. My parents sighed then looked at each other then back  at me.
"Avalon, sweetie, you know your father and I both love you right?" My mom asked.
"Yah," I replied.
"Well, Avalon darling, we.. we don't want you dancing anymore," She finished.
"WHAT?!" I screamed.
"Honey please calm down," My father begged.
"No! Fuck you! Dancing is my life, and I cant believe you wanna take that away from me!" I shouted.
"Avalon don't use that kind of language in front of your father," My mother said, my brother and sister went upstairs.
"How would you feel is I took away your glasses or your job or your life? Dancing is my life, mother, and I love it! Im not giving up dancing!" I yelled.
"Its to late, Avalon. We've signed you up to take math classes, here's the paper," My father said handing me a paper. I read it, it said I'd be six days a week for a year. I ripped the paper up and threw it on the ground.
"No," I demanded.
"Avalon Grace!" My mom exclaimed. I grabbed my sweatshirt and ran out of the house. Dancing is my life, and nobody is taking that from me. I ran for about thirty minutes before stopping and sitting on a bench. My makeup was terrible from crying, how can they want to take this from me? Dancing is my life, its how I met my best friend for crying out loud. I wish I brought more then just a sweatshirt because I was fucking freezing. I pulled out my phone and called Tyler.
One ring... two rings...
"Tyler! I-Its Avalon," I said, I was shivering because it was raining and cold out.
"Av? What's wrong?" He asked.
"I-I ran away. My p-p-parents want me to q-quit dance. I ran a-away so Im outside," I explained.
"Av! Its raining and thundering outside! Where are you?" Tyler asked.
"A-At the park," I said.
"Im coming to get you," He said, and he hung up. I was freezing, and my fingers were turning a light blue. I waited when my eyes started getting heavy, and I fell asleep.

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