1- Fusion

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-Avalon's POV-

"Sexy, sexy, that's all I do,"

"Avalon move your hips!" Patrick ordered, hes my dance instructor.

"Pound the alarm! Pound the alarm!"

"Cyrus straighter hips!" He demanded, Cyrus did so. I did my solo (which was basically flips, splits, and being lifted in the air by Ivan) and did a backflip out while Paige took my spot and did her solo.

"Great flip Paige!" Patrick complemented.

"Pound the alarm.."

And the dance ended with Paige, Winter, Chloe, and I being held in the air by Cyrus, Ivan, Keaton, and Scotty. The guys placed us down and we all high-fived.

"Great work guys. Winter, your backflips were excellent, Cyrus, your hand movements were perfection, Avalon, your splits were the best, and all of you were great. A few more practices and we'll be able to beat Element," Patrick said. Element was the second best hip-hop team (Behind us), that's the team with the top bitches people on it, Tamara and Laura. I hate them. My scars are from them. I hate them with a passion, jackass's.

"Av, wanna go get froyo with Cy and Kitten?" Paige asked, Kitten was Keaton and Cy was Cyrus, if that wasn't obvious.

"For sure, Paige. What about Winter and Chloe and Ivan and everyone?" I replied.

"Ivan and Chloe are going to see a movie, Scotty had to get home for some party, and Winter has work," She replied.

"Kay, lets go," I responded. I grabbed my bag and sweatshirt and tied it around my waist.

"Paige! Avalon!" Patrick shouted before we exited the building.

"Yah Pat?" I asked.

"Don't forget, tomorrow we're performing at the Underground for a battle," He explained.

"Rap or dance?" Paige asked.

"Rap," He replied.

"Alright cool, but now we're going out to get froyo," I said.

"Alright have fun, but be at the Underground at ten sharp," He said before walking away.

"Ten? Dude! My parents are so strict they wont let me out past nine," I said.

"Sneak out," she suggested.

"With Trina? Hell no, she'll catch me," I sighed, Trina was my younger sister, and a blabbermouth. She's twelve, but the most responsible prick out there.

"Here," Paige said reaching into her pocket and pulling out a twenty, "bribe her with this."

I took it from her slowly, "You sure?"

"Yah girl, your like my sister. I've known you forever, I'd do anything for ya," She replied.

"Thanks Paige!" I exclaimed hugging her. After, we left the building with Cy and Kitten and we went to Orange Leaf. I got cotton candy with whipped cream, chocolate chips, and chocolate covered pretzels, and Paige got the same but hers was strawberry. Kitten got brownie with Oreo, and Cy got pineapple with rainbow gimmies, strawberries, and chocolate chips. We sat down at a table inside and ate it and watched TV.

"OMG! Its Fusion!" Someone yelled, we all jerked our heads towards the voice and a few teenagers ran up to us.

"We watch your battles all the time!" The girl with long black hair exclaimed.

"Aw, thanks," Cy replied.

"Paige! Your my favorite," The boy with short brown hair said.

"Thank you!" Paige exclaimed.

"Can we have some pictures?" Another asked.

"For sure!" I exclaimed. We all took pictures with them and they left. We continued to eat our froyo until we were done.

"Yo, you guys wanna hit up GameStop?" Cy asked.

"Lets do it," I agreed. We junked our empty froyo bowls and headed out the door. But I was talking to Paige and wasn't paying attention, and some kid ran into my and spilt his coffee all over me.

"What the hell!?" I screamed.

"Oh my god, Im so sorry!" he exclaimed, he was with three other people. He had black glasses, brown hair, blue eyes, and braces.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Paige exclaimed, shoving him.

"Maybe you should watch where your going!" The one with floppy brown hair yelled.

"Why you little bitch!" Paige yelled jumping at him, but Cy and Kitten held her back. I looked at the kid- he was staring at me like an idiot.

"Hey jackass you listening?!" I exclaimed giving him a shove.

"Avalon hes not worth our time," Paige snapped.

"Yo gonna get outta our way?" I snapped, I shoved the kid to the ground and walked over him while the guys followed me, and Paige. Cy and Kitten yelled at the guys as we walked away, but before I could leave, that guy came running up to me.

"Umm.. y-you forgot your s-sweatshirt," he stuttered handing me my jacket. I snapped it from him with a glare.

"..Thanks," I said after a pause. He was cute, for sure, but... it takes more to get me then spilling hot coffee on me.

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