#12. Expect the Worst

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3rd Person's POV

He was silent.
Holding a cold beer on his hand.

It's hot today. So hot it made him open three buttons of his shirt.

He's working on an engine. He loves this. He supposed to love this.

But this time, his mind is flying away to someone in the other building.

He is missing his voice.
He is missing his cocky attitude.
He is missing those eyes.
And yet..
He's scared.


He combed his hair neatly.
He wore perfumes.
He wore a white coat, like an official doctor.
This white coat looks good on him.

He knew when walked into this campus, girls would go crazy.

He loves that way. He supposed to love thay way.

But he's mind is distracted. He saw beautiful girls smiling at him. He smiled back, but he's not interested.

He wants to see him. Whether to talk or punch him.
He wants to grab and pull his shirt. Whether to make love or fight him.
He hates the other guy.


"Dude, I heard someone likes you, a fresh student." Kit whispered to Beam.

Beam didn't answer. His hands were holding a knife, cutting some experiments.

"Have you contacted her?"

Beam remained focused.

Phana saw this and he made gesture like telling 'stop' to Kit. He knew, he can feel, that Beam is upset.

He also knows that his friend, is feeling something to Forth without his realization. Someting that Beam has never felt before.


They were writing a report on the canteen. Making jokes and such. Beam too. Outside the topic about him, he seems normal. Teasing Kit, being curious about Pha's love life, and talking about drama series he likes.

"Sawadee kaa, P'Beam.." Greeted a girl to Beam, politely and sweetly, typical girls everybody wants.

"Sawadee krub."

Pha and Kit looked at them. This is the girl who Kit talked about.

She is probably around 160 cm, not too slim, just fine. Her round face makes her look cute.

She smiled shyly.

"Can I help you?" Asked Beam, formally.

"Ah, yes. I just want to know that if you want to join a charity next week. My class held it. If you don't mind, I would like to make you as our supporter too."

Pha could see she's trying to be polite, but they all know she has another purpose.

She showed a progress report about the charity, and Beam read it calmly. They were discussing about it too.

"Okay then, but I want these two bastards come along." That's the condition from Beam.

She smiled, "okay, P'Beam. The more the merrier, right?"

Kit couldn't believe it. Beam made him join before his agreement. He cant do anything though.

After she left, Kit said, "she's cute, very much your type. Marry her."

"Fuck you."

"Jeez.. That's cold, hahaha."

"What's her name again?"

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