Chapter 4: School Time

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I groggily opened my eyes and turned over slamming my fist down on my blaring alarm clock finally making its maddening buzzing stop. When I sat up I let off a rather loud and gurgling burp, which felt good to get out. I got off my bed and heard the springs jump back into place. As I walked forward I felt more sluggish than usual. I looked down and noticed my still bloated figure had annoyingly decided to stick around. Albeit not as round and taut as last night. "Geez did I really eat that much..?"
I said to myself as I poked at my round midsection and not even a slight jiggle in response. I decided to ignore it as long as I could and got on with my daily routine. I went to the washroom to do my "business" and brushed my teeth, then walked back to my bedroom to get dressed. Which was always my "favourite" part of the morning. I pulled up a fresh pair of underwear onto myself and yanked up my jeans as much as I could. I noticed they weren't as cooperative as they usually were so I tried to suck in my gut as much as I could. After around 4 minutes of struggling I let out a breath of relief and slipped on a dark green t-shirt which also, wasn't as cooperative as I'd like it to be. No matter how much I pulled it down it would always ride back up."gosh darn it.." I said in defeat. I too, decided to ignore it for as long as I could and walked downstairs to greet my mom in the kitchen. "Morning dear! How did you sleep?" She asked innocently. "It was good, thanks." I replied sitting down. "Didn't stay up too late I hope?" She asked again a bit more suspiciously this time. "Nope. I was out like a light, heh" I said back with an eased tone. "Alright... just making sure your getting all of your recommended amount of sleep! You teenagers and your growing brains!" She stated with a cheerful laugh. "Anyways, here's your breakfast!" She set a rather large bowl of Lucky Charms out in front of me. My mom has always been a sort of instigator for my weight problems and I don't think she even knows it. She's always doing what she thinks is best for me and I appreciate it dearly. And I don't want to complain to her at all because she's rather sensitive about a lot of things. So I just go with it without a word. Soon after I scarfed down my cereal and waved goodbye to mom and walked out the door plugging in my earbuds to my phone and my ears. Off to school.

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