Chapter 3: The Text

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After hours of playing dozens of games with Charlie, he left my house. It was now 9:30 and the sun had already started going down. I was up in my room watching something on the internet, I couldn't even remember what it was, when I suddenly got a surprise text from Mason.
"Hey Rylie 👋"
"Hi! How did you get my number exactly?"
"I have my ways lolol. Whatcha up to?"
"Nothing really... just in my room watching something on YouTube."
"Oh cool. Hey I was wondering, do you like food?"
If there's on easy way to get to me, it is definitely food.
"I freaking love food!"
"Oh good, just making sure for the night of the dance. I wanna treat you a bit."
"You want to... make me food?"
"You'll just have to wait and see Ry Ry. I gtg now, sorry I couldn't chat for long. Bye!"
I placed my phone face down on my desk where my computer monitor was still displaying the video I forgot I was watching. At this point my mind was thinking a mile a minute. "Food? I love it with a passion, and he'll make me some?" I said to myself quietly as my stomach rumbled a bit in anticipation. I'm really starting to like Mason a lot. Even though we've only spoken twice, once in real life.... but that's besides the point! He seems nice and has good intentions. Besides... he's really hot... I would stare into his soft yet piercing beautiful eyes all day if I could. My stomach began to gurgle again interrupting my thoughts. I totally forgot to eat dinner! I quickly yet quietly crept down the stairs at an even pace, making sure to avoid all the creaky floor boards, and finally walked into the kitchen. I looked at what was prepared before it was left out and found glazed ham and mashed potatoes... my absolute favourite! I cut multiple slices of ham and greedily took large spoonfuls of mashed potatoes and placed it all onto my plate. It was still considerably and surprisingly warm so I had no need to heat it up. I snuck back up the stairs and into my room where I closed the door slowly and smoothly hearing the springs in the knob relax into its place I leapt onto my bed with joy and began eating. Everything tasted amazing as I chewed it all and it slid down my throat. Evidently I did end up getting some bits of mashed potatoes and ham onto my shirt, as per usual so I just took it off. Soon after I finished eating and I felt tight and full. I was somehow tempted to go down for seconds but my gut protested with strained groans. Just hearing it gave me a tingly feeling in myself deep down. Y'know the one where you get it when your really excited about something but your not sure what? I was feeling it all over and it felt amazing. I couldn't help myself but rub my taut midsection lightly.while I moved my right hand in a circular motion it felt like something I've never felt before. Something along the lines of pure ecstasy. I went on to use both my hands for the next 13 minutes until a slight soft moan slipped out of my mouth. I quickly covered my mouth again with an intense dark red blush. Was this... arousing to me...? "I.... I should sleep now... it's almost 10..." I said to myself quietly with a hint of embarrassment. I took off the rest of my clothes but stayed in my underwear as I turned off my monitor that was illuminating my room. As everything went dark I tucked myself into bed getting comfortable as I heard the creaking of the bedsprings move.
"It'll all make sense if I sleep on it or something..." I mumbled as I slowly dozed off to sleep.

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