Chapter 7: Bullying and Not Ready

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-Time Skip-

《Teddy's POV》

The day so far felt too long to handle, of course, I paid attention and all that was fine but I just felt lost without him in my arms and I have absolutely no idea how I handled not touching him before. I sit down at my last lesson before lunch, Apparition was fairly interesting but now I loathed this lesson knowing I would have to sit next to her. I feel the bench vibrate while she sits down next to me smiling like nothing happened yesterday, she tries looping her arm into mine and I move away shaking my head. "Victoire I'm with Jamie now stop touching me, if you haven't noticed I am kinda gay. For Jamie." I stated, looking at her with annoyance, "You are so funny babe like you are gay we have slept with each other enough for me to know that you aren't." she said with a sickly sweet voice trying to grab my hand to hold. "Just leave me alone Victoire I didn't like you while we were dating, and I don't like you now. I was only going to marry you so I could stay close to Jamie when we got older" I state and it was true I don't like her now and I didn't before she was always trying to change me telling me to make my hair look normal, demanding I take out my piercings. James is not like that at all he loves everything about me my looks, my personality, my flaws. I love him for who he is, flaws and all, I could never imagine my life without him.

-Time Skip-

Thankfully the lesson was over before lunch and our professor let us leave early, I raced to James' class and waited for him so I could surprise him. People started leaving the class and when I don't see him come out in the crowd I get confused and walk into the classroom, "Jamie? You there?" I ask and I look around the room seeing him packing his bag and visibly shaking. I walk closer to hear him whimpering and I race up to him "Jamie what's wrong? What happened?" I say alarmed that he was crying, he looks up with tears in his eyes at me and jumps into my arms starting to sob. I look down at him while he sobs, and rub his back soothingly before asking "Jamie, love, what happened? Please tell me I hate seeing you like this." I wait for him to calm down so he can answer and once he does my heart breaks for him, "T-the Slytherins w-were making fun of m-me and calling me a f-fag" he whimpers out knowing it would make me angry and trust me. It did. But I didn't explode with anger not wanting to scare him, I hold him close to me and whisper sweet nothings into his ear before saying "Let's go get lunch yeah? You must be hungry I'm sure." I suggest and he nods, I hand him one of my handkerchiefs and he blows his nose before cleaning it with a wave of his wand and giving it back to me smiling.

We get to lunch and thinking he would want some quiet we go to the Hufflepuff table giving our friends at the Gryffindor table a look that says I will explain later, both of us sit down next to each other and some of my classmates and dorm mates talk with us, "You alright James? Your eyes are all puffy." one says concerned, I speak for him "He is alright now just a run in with the Slytherin's in his Double Potions lesson." I feel him wince and I move him gently onto my lap and hold him close playing with his soft auburn brown hair, continuing talking with my classmates while he just snuggles up to me. "You guys are so cute with each other, hey Teddy anything thrilling happen between you two yet?" he asks in a suggestive manner I look down and see James' ears a bright red and chuckle, "No Justin, I am waiting until he is ready for that I am not going to rush him. We are content with what we do now until then, Isn't that right love?" I say and James blushes more and nods burying his head more into my chest making me laugh. I lean down and murmur into his ear "Don't worry love, once you are ready for that, I will do anything you want. As long as you beg for it." making him shiver at the words and blush more than I thought he could, I smirk at his reaction and kiss his head before looking back up at the table and seeing my friends in awe at how teasing I was with James and smiling at me happy that I found someone that brought out the best in me.

-Time Skip-

After our last lessons of the day we went to the Hufflepuff common room and read a book together a little bit after finishing our assignments, we were curled up on one of the couches by the fireplace, James in my lap leaning against me while I read to him one of my favorite muggle books. I continued reading for while before I heard him snoring quietly I chuckle lightly and put the book down marking my spot, I pick him up bridal style and walk up to my dorm and I lay him in my bed getting under the covers with him and falling asleep for an hour at most before dinner.

《James' POV》

I remember Teddy reading to me then falling asleep but I wake up to a dark room in his arms instead, and in a bed rather than a couch, I nuzzle into him wanting to go back to sleep but too awake to sleep again so I just gaze at him. He is so perfect with his eyes closed, his lips only slightly parted while he sleeps, his hair a bit messy but styled at the same time. I focus on his lips more and blush thinking of kissing him while he was asleep and I did just that wanting him to get up so we could get ready for dinner, I peck his lips and look up. Nothing. I huff slightly but kiss him again for longer this time and before long he starts kissing back smiling into it, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance but I deny it playfully, what I didn't expect was for him to growl and grab my bottom squeezing it making me yelp in surprise. He uses this to dart his tongue into my mouth and I melt into it letting him taste me, he starts getting rougher in the kiss taking my tongue and sucking on it making me moan "T-Teddy" into the kiss he hums in response before parting for air both of us panting.

He starts to nibble on my neck down to my shoulder moving my shirt slightly humming to his touch wanting more of him but knowing I still am not ready to go all the way, believe me, I trust him with all my heart I just have never done it before and I don't feel ready to. He sucks on my neck making me moan and grip hard on his shirt, I feel myself hardening down south so I stop him before it gets too hard to go away. He whines when I push him away and tries to chase my lips but I just roll and get off the bed giggling as he groans not wanting to get up from bed, I look back at him and he is pouting at me "Sorry teddy bear it's just t-that if you did that f-for much longer I-i would have been y-you know... " I say to him before he just smiles at me knowingly "I know sorry I won't go any further than that until you are ready okay?" he says reassuring me I nod before climbing on top of him and just lying down to hear his heartbeat. He chuckles kissing my head "Would you like to go eat now?" he suggests looking at the clock beside us, nodding I start to get off and give him a hand so he can get up. He takes my hand and I pull him up onto his feet and intertwined our hands together letting him lead me to the Great Hall once again.

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