Chapter 4: The Aftermath

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《Teddy's POV》

He rushed up the stairs before I could even register what had happened, which was something I never expected to happen, I never expected to feel this for my best friend. Love. I loved him I always have I suppose just not this way before now, but that kiss... those lips. His lips. That spark that was between us was something I have never in my life felt before, sure I liked Victoire but I didn't ever feel a spark when we kissed. I never felt anything like that before. I was stunned and glued to the spot, I'm sure my hair was pink fading back to its original blue color that I settled for, I stood being stared at by all the Gryffindors that were in the common room but not taking account of it too busy feeling where his lips had been a too short amount of time for me... way too short. I wanted. No, I needed more, I needed him. I snapped out of my trance when some first-year waved her hand in my face asking if I was alright. I just nodded and looked around for Lily and Albus but I saw no sign of them so I went up to James dorm knocking lightly on the door, I heard a creak from the bed I stepped back so they could let me in.

Lily opened the door and raised an eyebrow when she saw me slightly confused why I wasn't with Victoire I presumed, "What do you want?" she almost sneered, tapping her foot on the ground. "I Uh... I need to talk to James can you and Albus give us both a minute? Please?" I pleaded not wanting to make her mad though I don't know why she was in the first place, "ALBUS WE ARE GOING!" she said loudly then backed me up against the stair railing before whispering warningly "If you break his heart... I WILL break you. Okay? Great!" she smiled dragging the now exiting Albus down the stairs while skipping whispering into his ear, for a first-year witch she was very scary I must say. I walk through the door before closing it slowly seeing James lying in his bed face in his pillow, "J-James can I talk to you about something?" he physically flinched when hearing my voice and didn't respond. I walked to his bed and sat carefully beside him not quite sure how to start, "Jamie?" I said

He slowly turned his head so his face was visible to me and once I saw tears in his eyes my heart broke a little never wanting to see my Jamie sad. "Jamie, what happened? Why are you crying?" I asked not expecting the answer he gave me "I'm crying because of you." he said with a broken look in his eyes. "What did I do? How can I fix it?" I asked wanting to help him, wanting to make him happy again, "It isn't what you did it's what you didn't do..." he said sadly, I thought for a minute What did I not do in the last fifteen minutes? Then it hit me, I had not kissed him back when he kissed me! Not that he gave me enough time to even respond, though, so then I thought it would be fun to mess around with him a little "Hmm I don't recall not doing anything. Would you enlighten me, love?" I said with a straight face trying very hard not to smirk. His head snapped up at the word that had come out of my mouth looking at me with confusion and I think but I couldn't be sure. Hope?

《James' POV》

I looked at him so fast I could have been the Snitch during a Quidditch match, my heart was caught in my throat at the nickname. Love. I was not imagining it, I couldn't have been. He has never called anyone that, not even her I grimaced thinking about her but once I did I felt his hand on my cheek wiping at the semi-dried tears on my face, I looked up at him he was so handsome his mesmerising brown-yellow eyes, his gorgeous blue hair that could turn any head, that sexy as hell lip ring. I was taken out of my trance when he rubbed his thumb over my lips, I blushed at his sudden action I tried looking away not wanting him to see me blush only to have his hand under my chin to guide my face back towards his still not saying a word just staring, staring at me.

"T-Teddy?" I stutter out seeing his eyes turn an almost black shade. Lust. I saw it flash in his eyes and leave them in a matter of seconds. He coughed and I finally realized he was hovering over me a hand on one side of me, and I was sitting almost laying right in between his thighs I blushed at our position and started to get up to go to the door getting off the bed when he stood up and grabbed my hand to stop me. I looked back at him he was looking at me and only me and it was the one thing I've always wanted, to captivate him, to take control of all his thoughts, be everything he wanted in a lover. We were both standing now in the middle of my dorm, his hand was no longer on mine seeing as I was no longer moving though I did love his touch. I breathed in a deep breath and did the most courageous thing I have ever done since I was sorted into Gryffindor in 1st year.

I cupped Teddy's cheeks and pulled his face down seeing as he was taller than me and in one swift move, I kissed him again. It was slow and light at first since I was doing all the work and had absolutely no idea on how to kiss someone but, I figured his brain hadn't caught up just yet. When it did he kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist lovingly, lifting me up slightly, which made me yelp in surprise giving him the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue which was welcomed gladly dancing with my own tongue, not battling for dominance just enjoying the feeling and taste of each other's kiss. After a minute the battle between our tongues started Teddy and I both wanting. No needing more from each other, the kiss getting needier and hungrier by the minute our scents intoxicating each other. He won the tongue battle obviously. Not that I minded him winning one bit.

We had to part lips to breathe having no more air left, panting and looking into one another's eyes we both smiled like idiots before Teddy's turned into a smirk and shocked me by kissing my chin and quickly going down to my neck kissing down it, making me feel goosebumps on my neck. He started lightly biting my neck until he bit a spot that made me gasp and almost moan, I felt him smirk against my neck mumbling a slight "Found it." and then he bit hard on that spot this time making me moan out quietly in both slight pain and pleasure while he sucked and licked the spot looking at me and muttering "Mine" looking straight at me while touching the tender spot now on my neck sending shivers down my spine feeling fully dominated by him before I said back "Yours" I nodded making him grin the biggest grin I have ever seen him have before making my heart flutter.

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