Chapter 1: Farewells and Hogwarts Houses

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《James' POV》

Shaking my head at the nice memories Teddy makes his way down the stairs with a glum face, he looks at me now smiling brightly making me blush slightly looking away and to my dad. "Alright everyone let's get going so Teddy can make his train to his second home for the next 7 years!" my dad says making me pout before going out to the car since Lily hates the floo, fussing that it makes her sick. Well, the car makes me sick so how is that fair? I sit in the back with Teddy, Albus, and Lily. We transfigured the car to have four seats in the back when Lily came along so we could all fit comfortably, I settle my head on Teddy's shoulder snuggling into his side so I can sleep and hopefully not get sick. It is embarrassing to throw up when I'm around Teddy, why would I want to make someone I like disgusted? He wraps his arm around me which I slightly smile to before sighing contently settling into a light sleep. Maybe 30 minutes later I am getting shaken awake by Teddy telling us that we are here I pout at him which he smiles sadly at me, I sigh getting out of the car and following them to the platform while holding Teddy's hand tightly, walking as slowly as possible. I sigh when we stand near the entrance letting go of his hand after a quick squeeze, he goes through his rounds of hugging everyone Lily being the last before me. He steps over to me and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest, I rest my arms on his shoulder blades gripping the back of his shirt. Placing his head on my shoulder nuzzling into my neck I tighten my grip on him not wanting to let him go.

We rock back and forth in each other's arms for a while, "Boy's it is time for Teddy to go through the platform" my dad mumbles to us slightly his hand on Teddy's shoulder. My heart tightens and my grip goes slack on his back, he holds me close to him inhaling in my neck before letting go smiling slightly at me. I give him a smile back even though I am not happy, he turns and grabs his buggy giving us all a last wave before going through the platform. We turn back to our car and I take Teddy's spot in the car leaning my head on the window while silent tears trickle down my face, the car comes to a halt 30 minutes after indicating we have arrived back home. I enter the house shaking my head to an early dinner before going up the stairs to our room, I flop onto Teddy's bed curling into his blankets crying loudly and slightly trembling while inhaling his scent in big gulps of air wishing he was home already. There is a knock on the door after a few minutes of this and I just keep crying, the door opens and closes while feet shuffle closer to Teddy's bed that I am wrapped in. I look up red-faced and tears in my eyes to see a blurry figure of my dad, "Oh Jamie... It is ok you will be alright, I promise." he mumbles rubbing my back soothingly. I sob more at his words curling up into a ball choking on air, he stays until I settle down falling asleep in Teddy's bed. I don't hear him leave the room and shut the door. That was a week ago and I got a letter from Teddy asking me to eat saying he was worried about my health, I haven't been eating much since he left so I feel bad worrying him. Writing back to him I tell him I will, asking how his classes are and how he is adjusting, before going downstairs to eat breakfast before heading to school with Albus and Lily.

《Harry's POV》

"Ginny he has been crying his eyes out while trying to fall asleep for 3 weeks! Something is clearly wrong. Why is he still so sad?" I exclaim while we are getting ready for bed in our bathroom, "Oh sweetheart you are so oblivious." she chuckles out looking at me in the mirror. I raise an eyebrow at her to explain she just sighs shaking her head, "Jamie loves Teddy dear." she says turning to me. "I know that dear they have grown up together, of course, they love each other they are practically family!" I say not understanding her, "No, Harry dear, James our son loves Teddy. As in he is in love with him!" she says. My eyes widen at her statement, "Ginny, James is eight he doesn't know what love is! Teddy doesn't even know what love is." I exclaim making her roll her eyes, "Of course they don't know they love one another, they haven't realized because they are too young to know! But they do, very much, when they are older both of them will realize, I am sure of it." she explains making me huff and then I smirk at her. "Want to make that a bet dear?" I suggest, her smirking right back saying, "Why of course! By the end of Teddy's seventh year they will either proclaim their love or realize it at least by then." she proposes and I nod, "Well I bet that they don't love each other, which it's fine if they do but they don't, and that Teddy will end up with one of the Weasley kids by the end of his seventh year." I state to her and we shake on it. Let the bets begin.

-Time skip (3 years later)-

《James' POV》

Hogwarts so far has been amazing and we just got onto Christmas break, the last 3 years have been odd, to say the least. Teddy got into Hufflepuff which is great! I got into Gryffindor like my mum and dad, I was laying in Teddy and I's room waiting for our family to get here for the annual dinner at our house. All the Weasley's, Longbottom's, Scamander's, and Potters got together for a big dinner and party. It was a loud but fun time for the whole family and close friends, Teddy has been a bit distant lately which was confusing because we have always been really close. Maybe he was just busy but I don't know, I feel like he is avoiding me. "James come downstairs and say hello!" my mum yells from downstairs, I hop off of my bed and down the stairs to see half of the people there already. I greet everyone that is here and the people just coming in, I feel a hard poke on my shoulder and turn around to see Victoire one of my cousin's that never really liked me. "Hi, Victoire." I grunt while rubbing my shoulder at her harsh poke, she gives me a fake smile hugging me awkwardly and leaning next to my ear whispering, "I just wanted you to know Teddy is mine and not to touch him or speak to him anymore. I don't need you coming between us like you always do." she threatens before backing up smiling. "Enjoy the party James!" she says before turning around and going to Teddy and giving him a peck on the lips.

Oh yeah did I mention they started dating a few days ago? Right, I didn't because I had no idea until I asked him after I did ask him all he did was gush about how she is sooo great, so pretty, and sooo smart. I just nodded trying to hold back the tears, I smiled before dismissing myself from him and going to my mom saying I wasn't feeling well. I excused myself from the party after saying my goodbyes early and heading up to our room, I fell into bed facing the pillow and breaking down crying. I've liked Teddy since I was 8 years old. Well, I started liking him romantically this year, so when he gets a girlfriend and just gushes on about her I just can't feel happy for him. I wish I could feel happy for him but I just can't, I like him too much to want him to be someone else's. I knew us being a thing was next to impossible so I don't know why this is so shocking, I guess I just hoped he felt the same way. But he didn't and this made going back to school the rest of the year and seeing them together all the time so much harder, and don't even get me started about the summer. She was always over at our house dragging Teddy as far away from me as possible so they could have 'alone' time, I just tried ignoring them which worked out fairly well.

-Time Skip (2 years later)-

I was currently staring at Teddy and Victoire eating together at the Ravenclaw table because she didn't like the Hufflepuff table. Which I think is ridiculous it is like saying she doesn't like Teddy as a Hufflepuff, he recently got these piercings for his ears and lip and if I'm completely honest it makes him a lot hotter than he already was. She tries to get him to take them out which makes me furious, but he refuses. I think that is the only thing he doesn't allow her to control, he has barely talked to me all year and the year itself is almost over. I'm sure it's her just consuming all his time and controlling his life, but it still hurts that he would allow her to destroy our friendship. We have been best friends since I could remember, but I guess having her is more important than having me. I hear a cough from beside me and I turn to see my brother Albus, he got sorted into Slytherin but he still likes to visit my table from time to time. "Hey, bro. What's up?" I ask and he shakes his head before smirking, "You know if you keep staring at him the whole school will know you love him right?" he whispers making me glare playfully. I told him and Lily at Christmas break that I have a crush on Teddy, they were happy saying I was much better for him than Victoire. "I don't love him, Albus, I just have a tiny crush on him that's all." I whisper back and he just shakes his head before mouthing 'You love him.' and heading back to his table, I shake my head at him and continue eating.

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