Chapter 5: Jealousy and A Sailing Ship

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《James' POV》

He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, "I'm sure it is almost dinner do you want to go eat? I can sit with you i-if you want?" he asked nervously thinking I would say no which I definitely would not. I put my hand that he wasn't holding on my chin and pretended to think for a few seconds before smiling at him and dragging him to the Great Hall fingers still intertwined with each other. We were halted with a familiar blonde, Victoire. Her eyes immediately dropped to our hands making me gulp and Teddy tightening his grip, she sent me a hard glare and if looks could kill, well I think that itself says enough.

Teddy moved in front of me blocking her view of me glaring intensely at her "Victoire what do you want we broke up. Remember?" he mocked while she gaped and shot him a look "Y-you kissed him?! But he is three years younger than you! He is your godfather's son! You live with him you know you are going to have to move rooms now right do yo-" she started rambling but Teddy just stopped her "Age doesn't matter and I doubt three years is even bad Victoire. Harry and Ginny wouldn't care they always say that I should marry one of their kids so I'm legally in the family" he said full of confidence making my heart almost explode when he mentioned marriage making Victoire furious and storm into the Great Hall and go straight to the Ravenclaw table, Teddy chuckled and turned back around to me and I was beaming that Teddy had actually chosen me and not her.

We walked into the Great Hall hand in hand to the Gryffindor table getting looks left and right but they dropped as soon as they looked since Teddy was glaring at all of them so that I didn't get uncomfortable for a Hufflepuff he was very cunning which turned me on quite a lot not that I would ever admit it. The two of us sat near Lily, Fred, and Albus (who ate with us often) hands still intertwined as we loaded our plates and ate in a comfortable silence for at least four seconds until we were bombarded with questions from my two siblings "What happened when Albus and I left?!" "James is that a hickey?!" Albus and Lily asked and I blushed when Albus mentioned the mark Teddy had left just moments ago, but my whole face was scarlet red when Teddy leaned in and whispered into my ear so only I could hear "Mine" leaving him smirking triumphantly and me putting my head in Teddy's chest hiding my face.

"Awwwww" all the girls around us and some boys cooed before going back to eating, I could feel someone glaring daggers at me and I squirmed which got Teddy's attention real quick. He looked down quickly and asked what was wrong pulling me closer to him not that we could be much closer than we already are (not that I minded one bit), I shook my head and kissed his cheek not wanting to worry him. He wasn't convinced though and forced it out of me even though he did appreciate the kiss, "I-i feel someone g-glaring at me" I say in his ear making him squeeze my hand and casually look around the room when his eyes stop at one person and one person only Victoire she was glaring harshly right at me not noticing she had been spotted by him.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed me roughly putting me on his lap before snogging me which caught me by surprise but I just went with it and melted into Teddy's lips gripping his robes while sitting on his lap moving one hand up the back of his head to tug at his hair which made him groan lightly into the kiss. I heard heels clicking and my head looked up to see Headmaster McGonagall looking at us smiling but gave us a kind warning to refrain from doing that in front of the entire school while they were eating before going back to the head table, I blushed profusely and buried my head into Teddy's chest while he laughed lightly kissing the top of my head which I smiled at, god he's perfect. We both had finished eating and were tired so we left the hall him carrying me since he just stood up and started walking right after the warning from the headmaster, but not wanting to part with each other he stayed with me for this night and we would switch to his dorm the next that is what we agreed on doing.

Both of us changed since we had already stopped by the Hufflepuff dorms and got his night robes, though I would have been fine if he slept in his boxers alone, we decided against it since we weren't the only ones in the dorm. We slipped into bed just talking about random things until we yawned and muttered our good nights sleepily, me curling up to his chest and him holding onto me protectively close which felt amazing just to be in his arms. I was almost asleep when I heard a quiet "My love" next to my ear sweetly as he held me close and I just smiled and nuzzled into his chest.

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