Prologue: The Development

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《3rd Person POV》

Ginny was currently sitting on the living room couch cradling a small bundled baby in her arms days after her visit to St Mungo's, It was a rough birth seeing as it was the first. She handled it well and left 2 days after just to make sure everything was good, he has a thin layer of dark auburn brown hair on his head and beautiful light brown eyes so far though they may become darker over the months. St Mungo's said he may need glasses when he is a bit older, Harry came down the stairs holding the 3-year-old they've been taking care of since his parents passed away in the war. They were going to wait until he was 6 years old to have their first child together, but thinking he would be lonely they decided against it. Teddy has been very excited about having someone to play with when the baby was old enough, he was all jumpy and excited about seeing the baby in Ginny's arms wanting to hold him. Harry sits him on the couch next to Ginny and allows him to hold James with his support of course.

-Time Skip (8 years later)-

《Teddy's POV》

I was currently going over my list of the things I needed for Hogwarts when I heard a knock at the door, "Yes?" I say towards the door. I hear it open and James walks in looking sad, "Hey Jamie, What's wrong?" I ask wanting to know why he was sad. "Teddy you are going to be gone all year! I'm going to miss you." he pouts before hopping onto my bed and hugging me tightly, "Don't worry Jamie! I will be back at Christmas and then we can hang out all you want!" I reassure him and he smiles nodding. "I wish I was going with you to Hogwarts." he says sadly looking at me, my heart skips a beat as he looks at me but I push it aside "Jamie we get to go to Hogwarts together in 3 years don't worry," I say smiling at him before ruffling his hair which he laughs at. He flops down on the bed and I follow suit laying down next to him and smiling, he shuffles closer to me and lays his head on my chest to get comfortable. I stroke his hair and sigh, I really was going to miss James a lot. I get pulled out of my thoughts by James, "Hey T-teddy?" he mumbles to me and I just hum signaling him to continue. "W-well... um, would you I don't know g-give me an uh... k-kiss goodbye?" he asks shyly while I lay there shocked by his request, "Um... are you sure? I mean i-it would be y-your first k-kiss... "

I look at him while he's thinking about it, after a few seconds he looks up at me and nods. "Yeah I'm sure, I mean I wouldn't want my first kiss to be with someone I don't trust or like so... Yes, I am sure," he explains and I just nod looking at him and then down to his lips, they were semi chapped and dry but still looked wet and shiny. "A-are you ok with it? I mean you don't have to if y-you don't want to... " he says not wanting to pressure me but I just nod mesmerized by his lips, I lean down to connect our lips when we hear a knock at the door and spring apart. "Y-yes?!" I say towards the door, it opens and Harry walks in smiling. "Ted, you all ready for the train? We should get going in a few minutes so you don't miss it!" he asks and I nod getting up to grab my suitcases, I look back to see James gone most likely downstairs and I sigh heading downstairs as well and getting into the flying car. Lily didn't like flooing so we stuck with the car instead, she says it makes her sick. I sit next to James the back of the car fairly packed, he rests his head on my shoulder and tries to sleep for the ride not wanting to get car sick. By the time we get there I have maybe 10 minutes before the train leaves, I give everyone hugs, James longer than the others holding him close and inhaling his scent one last time before letting go and waving at them all running with my buggy into the wall of 9 and ¾s.

《James' POV》

I exit Teddy and I's shared room in a huff. This was my last chance to kiss him before he goes off to Hogwarts and develops a crush on someone else! Victoire hates my guts for having such a close bond with Teddy, she is going to steal him over their time at Hogwarts while I won't be attending for another 3 years. It has been this way since I could remember, Teddy and I would always go everywhere together back then holding hands while we do so. Every time Victoire would visit she would come in the middle of us and take Teddy's hand shoving me away from them so they could play. Teddy would always get mad at her telling her to go away, but as we got older he would blush when she did this and hang out with her, forgetting about me. This happened a year ago I went into the house after he walked away with her, I stayed in the living room reading with mum for an hour before they came back. Victoire giggling at something Teddy said still holding his hand, he talked to me but I ignored him going to our shared room to read. That same night when dinner was ready Victoire had taken my spot beside Teddy he tried talking to me but I just sat next to Albus ignoring him, dad scolded me for being rude and I was excused from dinner that night.

Teddy came up after Victoire left, "Hey Jamie... What is wrong why won't you talk to me?" he says sitting on my bed, I roll my eyes at him turning to face the wall instead of him. "Jamie, Please tell me what I did wrong? I'll make it better!" he begs and I sigh turning over to look at him, tears in my eyes I pout at him my lip tremblings, he leaps next to me snatching me into his arms I love being in whenever I cry. "Oh, Jamie did I do this to you? Please say I didn't!" he mutters while holding me tightly I shake my head no still trembling, he really didn't do this it was all Victoire's fault she took him away from me. "Then who Jamie?! I will hit them into next week! You know I would do anything for you." he says making me look at him I nod but then shake my head "You can't hit them, Teddy, you would get in trouble and you wouldn't even want to hit her- them!" I say inwardly cursing myself for saying her. "It's a girl?! Jamie... was it Victoire? Of course, it was her! What did she do?" he asks making me scoff did he really not know? Or even notice?! "Firstly, she interrupted our conversation and hanging out when she arrived taking you away, not that you objected in any way, leaving me to myself and ditching me for her of all people while you know that she is really mean to me! Then you let her sit in my seat at dinner, not that you objected to that either! So I don't know you tell me, Teddy, what did she do?!" I seethe out to him before trying to shove his arms off of me.

He grips me harder pulling me into him I struggle against him before giving up with a huff and snuggling into him starting to cry hiccuping sobs out while he soothingly rubs my back "Jamie I'm sorry I will talk to her abou-" he starts but I cut him off "Y-you can't s-she will hate m-me even m-more than s-she already d-does" I say in between sobs he sighs but agrees with me. I fall asleep with Teddy's arms around me, eyes puffy and face wet. The last thing I hear before I fall into a deep and content sleep is, "She couldn't take me away from you if she even tried Jamie" he sighs before falling into his own sleep lips pressed against my forehead. Waking up the next day was fantastic it was warm and safe, loving every minute of it I snuggle into him more knowing it's Teddy. Falling into a light sleep I hear the door open to our room hearing faint sounds and voices, "I guess they made up, just look how cute they are together!" my mum gushes to my dad "Of course they are cute dear now let's leave them be, I heard them yelling until late last night." my dad says shushing my mum while closing our bedroom door. An hour at most later I feel movements from Teddy beside me pushing me out of my sleep, I look over to see Teddy trying to reach for a book without moving off the bed before losing balance and tumbling off the bed and to the ground grunting with the book now in hand. I burst into small laughs alerting Teddy making him playfully glare at me before jumping back onto my bed and tickling me into the bed making me laugh.

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