Chapter 2: A Prank Gone Wrong? (Part 1)

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-Time Skip (1 Year Later)-

《Teddy's POV》

Things haven't been going great between Victoire and me, she is just so controlling and she is always taking up all of my time. I barely have time to hang out with my housemates or even Jamie! I mean it's like she is trying to split us apart, the only reason I got with her was so that I wouldn't have to be so far away from James when I graduate. I was thinking of marrying her just so I can stay close to him! But if she won't even let me talk to him I doubt that will work, all I ever hear from her are complaints about my looks and my friends. She never compliments me or tries being nice to my friends while I'm nice to her's, I just can't handle her anymore. At lunch she told me to meet her in the Gryffindor common room after classes so we could hang out while she helped her sister with an assignment, I was going to break up with her when I got there, not caring how many people were in the room. I walked through the painting after giving her me the password, I look around the room not seeing Victoire anywhere.

After a minute James walks up to me smiling a smile that just makes my heart skip a bit which I have no idea why "Hey Teddy! What brings you to the Lion's den?" he jokes, I smile at his joke before explaining. "I came to see Victoire she said she would be helping Dominique with something." I'm just so glad I can talk to him without any interruptions, I was also excited to break up with Victoire so I could hang out with him more I've missed him a lot! I look at him and he looks sad "Oh... I think they just went to the library sorry" he apologizes before turning to leave just before I can reach out to him he stops seeming unable to move. I look around to see Lily and Albus snickering, I raise an eyebrow at them before James shouts. "What did you two do now?!" he seemed annoyed, did I bug him that much? I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Lily's word "Oh nothing much, we just may have just trapped you two with some enchanted mistletoe" she said deadpanned, she went to inspecting her fingernails like it was nothing new.

I could hear James choking on his spit and wobble slightly while I was still processing what she had said, "Y-You guys did what now?!" he shouted at them, I finally caught up and I felt my heart explode. "We can't do that we are best friends like we could ever kiss each other!" I say feeling myself blushing at the thought of kissing Jamie, I mean it's not like I've never thought about it before it's just I don't want him to be forced into doing it. I'm also confused on why his siblings would do this, especially to us of all people. Ever since he asked if we could kiss 7 years ago it's been on my mind but I never mentioned it, just because he didn't seem like he wanted to anymore. Which made me kind of disappointed since he said he liked and trusted me, also that he wanted me to be his first kiss. It made me really happy but when we got interrupted by his dad he just dropped it all together, and I guess he still hasn't had his first kiss because he would have told me.

I'm yanked out of my thoughts when I hear James saying, "W-Well you two might as well stop joking around and force us to do something w-we do not want to do, e-especially with each other, so just reverse it... Now!" he said making my heart break just a little. Did he really feel so revolted by the thought of kissing me now? "We... uh, we can't... you are going to have to kiss, so just get it over with you two" Albus said nervously, this was starting to annoy me and I was pissed that James was disgusted with the mention of us kissing when he was wanting me to be his first just a few years ago! "What do mean you can't, you cast it did you not?!" I yelled at him just wanting to get rid of this feeling of rejection from my best friend and wanting to go do what I came up here to do. "Well we did but uh we may have forgotten to make it... reversible?" Albus said unsure nervously, I see James frown now that he can't get out of kissing me. I was now mad just wanting to leave and not kiss someone who didn't want to kiss me, someone who is revolted at the thought. His frown deepens before sighing and turning towards me, "Don't worry it's just a kiss it will be over in less than a second." he says.

Before I can even respond Victoire storms in, she is most likely mad at me because I kept her waiting. "Teddy! What happened to us meeting up? Didn't James tell you we were in the library?" she started nagging while sending a nasty glare at Jamie which just set me off, she can yell at me all she wants but she has no right to be mad at him he did nothing wrong! I look at her and see her gaping when she notices the mistletoe above James and me, "Well Vic, James and I are sort of stuck under the mistletoe if you didn't notice" I snapped at her for glaring at Jamie. He definitely didn't deserve that, she gives me a disgusted look and starts to storm off before saying over her shoulder. "If you kiss him we are over!" I gape at her words, she really thinks I care if we are over? I frown not wanting James to think it's his fault that we broke up, I feel a tug on my cheeks and I'm pulled down and towards James. He kisses me before I can even think or respond and I feel a thousand fireworks exploding in my stomach and sparks flying off our lips, he shoves me off from our way too short kiss and starts talking but I'm too stunned to even hear him. He storms upstairs while I stand in place shocked, confused, and more infatuated with anyone than I ever have been before.

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