All I Ever Need

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"Jack I appreciate you so much and I don't care where we are or what we have just as long as we are together."

Shawn: "You're my angel, come and save me.."

Shawn was deeply in love with you. He always told you that you were beautiful and made you feel like it too.

"(Y/N) I know I tell you this all the time but, you're beautiful," he said.

"What makes me so beautiful?" you asked.

"The person you are around me and with other people. You are so sweet, but yet so strong. You work well with others and can handle yourself so well. And something that really sticks out is that even when someone tries to bring you down, it's impossible. You can block the people that hate on you out. I guess what I'm trying to say is someday I wanna be like you."

So many tears fell from your eyes, "Haha aww Shawn. I've been through a lot and that's what makes me that way. I'm just thankful I'm a person you look up to."

Aaron: "My love clear.."

Today has been perfect for you and Aaron. Just all day you've been driving around looking at beautiful venues and taking pictures. But before you went home you wanted stop at the beach to look at the stars.

"Hey thanks for the awesome day," you said while playfully punching him.

"OW! PLAYER DOWN!" Aaron yelled.

"Oh come on you know that didn't hurt. I'd never try to hurt you."

He made his puppy dog face, "You really mean it?"

"Of course and you wanna know why?"


You grabbed both his hands, "Because I'd never want to hurt the person I love."

"Wait, I don't think I heard you."

You let go of his hands and jumped up, "I said, I LOVE AARON CARPENTER FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!"

"Oh, that's better."

Cameron: "Oh I love it all.."

Today was lazy Sunday for you and Cam. You guys took the day off to catch up with each other.

"Wow, I can't even remember the last time I was in my bed with my girl," Cameron sighed.

"Me either babe. I missed you so much. Sleeping alone gets really frustrating haha."

"Oh believe me I missed you too. It's annoying being away from you for so long and wondering what you're doing without me."

"Haha it's ok, I haven't been doing much I guess. I mean besides getting this for you." You got up and brought him the box with his new watch in it.

"Oh wow, (Y/N) you didn't have to get this for me."

"But I wanted to you know? Just because I love you and I love to see you happy and smile like right now.

Nash: "You're all I ever need.."

Things have been going so well with Nash. Most of the time you feel like Nash is all you want in the world. So today in order to show that he was your other half you took him to your favorite restaurant then got ice cream.

"So what's the matter (Y/N)?" asked Nash.

"What do you mean?" you responded.

"I mean you took me out to dinner and now we're having dessert, is there something you have to tell me?"

"Actually, yes."

"Woah wait you're not breaking up with me are you?"

"No, nothing like that it's just.."

He wrapped his arm around you, "Come on you can tell me anything."

"Ok well I wanted to tell you that I'm glad to have you and you're pretty much my other half. And I think I'm falling for you Nash."

Matt: "I think your perfect.."

Tonight Matt wanted to take a walk just to get out of the house. You agreed because it was nice weather and you wanted to spend time with him.

"I see you like my clothes," Matt said.

"Oh see what had happened was I was backed up on laundry so I was like why not but on Matt's clothes?"

"I like my shorts on you better than me," Matt laughed.

"Nah, I look like a boy in these."

He grabbed your hand, "Hey, you look great in anything."

"Aww, well you know it comes naturally," you laughed.

"And that's why your so amazing. You beauty is natural, in and out. You don't need to change for others or put on makeup to impress. You just, be you."

"But Matt I'm not perfect like a lot of other girls out there that you could have."

He stopped walking and looked you deep in your eyes, "(Y/N) the last thing I want is some girl that is just beautiful on the outside. I chose you because your the perfect match for me."

Carter: "Your like a drug.."

After dinner of your pizza with Carter and netflix you were about to head upstairs and crash.

"Alright baby I'm really tired so I'll see you when you come upstairs." But when you got up or at least tried, Carter grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down into his chest.

"No don't go. Just watch one more movie with me please," he said in the softest voice possible.

"Carter I don't want to sleep on the coach again. I'll see you when you come upstairs ok?"

"After this." Then he leaned in and kissed you.

"You really want me to stay down here don't you?"

"I want you to be wherever I am (Y/N)."

In honor of Austin's amazing concert I went to on Saturday after the Nats game I had to dedicate this chapter to him. I tried to do something different with this preference so let me know of you guys like it and if I should keep doing them like this!

Magcon PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora