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He was standing right behind you.

Why hadn't you moved yet? Why hadn't you turned around to finally face him once and for all and when you mean face him... You mean face him as the stalker.

You felt him approaching but you stayed still, you were standing now, back facing him. You were too terrified to meet his eyes.

"So I've been caught." His voice rang out right next to your ear and you gasped. You hadn't realized how close he was until he spoke, his breath hitting the outer shell of your ear and your breath hitched.

His body was right behind you too, inches away. You could tell by the body heat.

"You're good Y/N..." He trails off before chuckling. His laugh making goosebumps erupt all over your skin and you close your eyes when he rests the side of his head on yours.

Your heart was besting fast, he could probably hear it,

"Are you disappointed?" He asks and deep down, you knew you weren't because this guy was the most gorgeous thing you've ever lay eyes on but at the same time... He was your worst nightmare.

You didn't speak the whole time and in an instant, he grabbed the side of your waist pulling you closer, his mouth right by your ear now,

"I'm talking to you Y/N~ I'm growing impatient~" He says teasingly but you could tell by his town that he was getting angry and you definitely didn't feel like dying tonight so you open your mouth in an attempt to answer,

"I-is this t-true?" You stutter breathlessly and slowly point at the computer screen. You could tell by the movement of his head that he was looking at the computer screen before his eyes settled on you again.

You couldn't see him clearly but you wanted to.

He takes a while before answering, "Yes." He hums and you close your eyes tightly. Your worst fear coming true in less than seconds and you honestly wish you were somewhere else right now and not here...

In your room with a psycho killer standing right behind you.

"Are you afraid of me?" He asks and you could tell that he was smiling, why in the world was he smiling at a time like this?


"Good, you should be." He whispers again and you stare dead ahead, hating yourself for not fully hating the situation like you should.

You slowly force yourself to turn and as soon as your eyes rested on park Jimin, your breath hitched again. His gorgeous eyes staring back at you, he looked the same as he was in the coffee shop and you couldn't help but wonder..

Was it safe to be here with him?

"You... It says... That you're.. D-dead?" You stutter a lot as you take him in through your eyes and you watched as a grin erupts on his face before leaning dangerously close to your lips,

"I made it seem that way ... Didn't I?" He chuckles as he saw how flustered you got, he knew he had an effect of you and he was using that to his advantage.

You look away quickly, to avoid your heart beat rising but was stopped when he pulls you by your chin so you were facing him.

His eyes were dark, lustful and deadly as he stared into your eyes and you were so perplexed of why he was looking at you in such a way.

"Y/N..." His voice came out breathless and you stare in shock. Did you do that? Were you even capable of making 'him' breathless despite the fact that he was absolutely gorgeous.

"Why did it have to be you... You made me insane all over again just when I was about to get better..." He says in a mischievous tone and you couldn't help but wonder as to what he meant exactly. Despite having his fingers firmly grasping your chin, he tipped his head lightly so that both your eyes were meeting.

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