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You were out buying some groceries for a while at the market down the road when you felt someone staring at you, as usual, you turn around and there was no one there.

You knew it was him and you were getting used to it but it didn't mean that you weren't shaking from fear each time. The hairs on your neck standing as the staring just continued the entire time you were at the store and you sighed out in frustration before pulling out your phone,

•please... Stop. √√

•mmm... Where's
The fun in that?

•this is seriously creepy. Stop. √√

•we've established this
Already... Just let me have
My fun.

•oh my god... √√

•youre testing my

You life your head up quickly and look around for any sign of people watching you or using their phones, you even walked through the aisles to find anyone. In all depths. You were terrified of who you would find but you needed to find out who this person was.

You shoved your phone in your pocket in surprise when you did spot someone in a black hoodie, watching you from afar but he had a face mask and you gasp, he turns to walk away but you were quick on your feet to follow him.

He was fast because each time you turned an aisle, the only thing you could see were the end of his shoes or a small part of his black hoodie as he disappeared from time to time.

Could it be... Him? Or were you helplessly following an innocent victim. For all you know... You could be the stalker here.

You smiled when you saw the back of his hoodie, you were catching up and you almost smirked as you reached out to touch him but almost screamed when someone pulled you from behind.

You were about to slap the shit out of who ever pulled you but instantly stopped when you saw Taehyung looking at you with a worried expression and 'what the fuck look'

"Oh... Hey tae." You say blatantly before turning back to see where the guy went but closed your eyes and sighed out in frustration when you saw he had disappeared.

Great... Thanks tae.... The one moment I was so close to finding out who he was, you came and ruined it.

"Why... Are you following that guy?"

Taehyung's question almost made you laugh. Why were you following that guy? Oh, taehyung if only you knew ...

"Oh no its nothing, I thought it was a old school friend so I was just making sure it was him before I actually spoke to him.... But looks like he's gone now." You shrug innocently making Taehyung look at you apologetically. You hadn't notice how great he was looking today, with white hair and his black face mask laying underneath his chin so he could talk.

"You dyed your hair?" You ask and your fingers reach up to involuntarily stroke his locks and you watched as his face turned a bright pink before grinning. You quickly pulled your hand back and laugh nervously,

"Yeah... Er... Erika did it for me." His deep voice making you swoon and you nod your head enthusiastically. Erika and Taehyung had a very strong relationship but at times. They would fight like a cat and dog would.

"It... Looks perfect." You compliment and watch as he changes into another shade of pink. Your heart fluttering at the gorgeous sight of 'you' making 'him' blush.

Never has this happened before...

"Thank you, erm... Would you like to go for some coffee with me?" He asks and your eyes pop, was he asking you to go out with him?

"N-not as a date! Ju-just for a treat, you know, singing its like 15°C outside?" He shrugs and waves his hands about like a bird trying to save itself from deep water and you giggle,

"I'd love to." You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and he grins feverishly before walking with you till the pay point.

The two of you couldn't seem to stop talking, you had to admit, you got along with Taehyung a lot. You didn't know whether it was because you were fun or he was so friendly and easy going.

Of course you knew the answer to that because Taehyung was always known for his sweet and weird behaviour. When he use to be on campus, everyone loved him because he was really a child at heart.

Taehyung wouldn't stop telling you jokes the entire way, even when he drove you the coffee shop and you couldn't stop laughing at them even thought some hadn't made sense to you. It was the first time you genuinely laughed and smiled with anyone in a long time and it felt good.


Taehyung and you sat in the coffee shop for a long while, talking about the past and how great life used to be when everything wasn't so... Complicated. Then your phone buzzed and you groan,

Please... Not again...

• has sent you an image

•has sent you an image

•has sent you an image

You opened each message and you stared at the pictures in shock, your eyebrows knitting together and eyes enlargened. You knew 'he' was watching you but you didn't know he would go so far as to take pictures of you and Taehyung together...

From the time you were at the supermarket to the time you two left, taehyung being the sweet person he is noticed your expression and decided to pipe in,

"You okay?" His voice lazed with worry and you plastered a fake smile to your face,

"Of course!" You lie before looking back down again when your phone buzzes again saying you received another message.

•has sent you an image

•i hate what I'm seeing...

•you should leave...

•you wouldn't want taehyung
To end up on the news? The next
Time you see his name will
Be on obituaries and a grave
Stone ;)

You almost gasped out loud when you read the last message and the image was a recent picture. Actually, it was a picture of you taken on seconds ago and you quickly check the angle of the picture taken and your head darts up in that direction, only to find a group of people sitting at that exact location.

Besides... There were only girls there and you grit your teeth in frustration.

You also didn't want Taehyung to get hurt so you quickly bid your goodbye to him, telling him a family emergency came up and you needed to leave immediately.

Of course you felt bad... But what else could you do when everyone around you was being threatened and possibly killed...

That was one risk you were not willing to take...

Especially with him....

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