Chapter 8-Practising.

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A/N; Ellooo My Nashy Pears.


I went to the Footy yesterday! My team lost and was so shattered,..

So, here is Chapter 8!

-Shan xo. 


Chapter 8-Practicing

It's now a weekend and at the moment I'm practising for the talent show with my pianist, Lannie.

*BING* "La, la, la, la, la, la, la..." *BING* "Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi" *BING* "Fa, la, la, la-"

I got cut off by my Mum walking in, "I made some peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches." She said, holding a tray of food. "Mum! You're ruining my practice!" I grunted at her.

"Oh sorry, but I thought you girls would be hungry." Mum apologized, putting down the tray on the table.

"Thankyou, Mrs. Gomez." Lannie thanked her, running up and shoving a sandwich in her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh at her because the sandwich was full on falling out her mouth while she was eating.

"Enjoy and have fun!" Mum yelled out while walking away.

"Your Mum makes the best sandwiches ever!" Lannie exclaimed. I just smiled.

"You thinking about Justin, are ya?" Lannie wiggled her eyebrows at me. I just blushed and Lannie was about to say something else but as if on queue, my phone buzzed. I looked at the ID "Justin xo"

I smiled and opened the text message.

'Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow? -Justin x'

'No, nothing that I can think of. -Sel xo' I sent back.

Sorry, but I have to say that; I can't believe that I'm actually going out with Mr. Popular, The Football Captain.

You know when I came home from school yesterday, I was literally jumping around the house like an idiot and smiling my head off. I am so happy right now, could life get any better?

My phone buzzed again which snapped me out of my thoughts.

'Good, because I'm taking you out tomorrow. Pick you up at 11 in the morning. -Justin x'

Oh. My. God. He's taking me out for our first date! Aw... I love his cuteness. This when I start freaking out..

'Okay, see you tomorrow. -Sel xo' I sent back.

"Well, I got to go now, Sel." Lannie said, while packing up her stuff. "Have another lesson to do, talk to you soon. Bye" She waved and then she was gone. I totally forgot that Lannie was still here. I facepalmed myself.

This is when I start to Panic...

What am I going to wear? Where are we going? I started to pace back and forth.

Okay, chill Selena! All you need to do is wear what you usually wear and be cool. Yeah, that's what I need to do. Just relax, everything will be fine.

I walked up to my room and closed my door behind me, then I plonked on my bed and relaxed.

Tomorrow will be a great a day, I hope...


Wow, Selena and Justin are going on a date! Where do you think they are going to go? Do you think I should do Justin's POV? Comment below....


I'm sorry if this chapter was short..




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