"Harry!" Celia scolded him, but Ben didn't say a word as we shifted away from the topic.

"Daddy, what's a swine?" Livi asked Ben now, and I buried my head in my hands now to stifle my laughter as Gemma let out a hilarious cackle from beside H.

"Ah, bloody hell," Harry calmed his own laughter, "I might actually like this little shit, now."

"Harry," Celia said sternly, "don't swear in front of kids."

"Oh, come on, she loves it. Livi, remember what I taught you last time I was here?" Harry prompted her,  as practically the whole table frowned in confusion.

"Fuck bitches, get money!" Livi suddenly exclaimed incredibly loudly, as Harry burst into hysterical fits of laughter, and Ben looked absolutely furious.

"That," Harry continued to roar with laughter, slapping his knee, "is the greatest thing that rat-child has ever said!"

"Livi, you do not say things like that," Ben snapped at her, and she looked at Harry, before rolling her eyes as if she was five times her age.

"Fuck off, grandpa," she dismissed him, and Harry's laughter grew even louder, as did Gemma's, and I continued to try and stifle my own, while Celia bit back her own smile.

"Fuck, this is golden!" Harry exclaimed, looking at me now, "I can see you trying not to laugh, Ana Grace. Admit that I'm hilarious," he pinched my hip.

"Harry, stop it," Celia tried to remain stern, though a grin was tugging at her lips.

"What?" Harry asked innocently, "I'm just bonding with my little sister!"

"Which clearly won't work out well, if she's going to pick up on all the vulgar shit you say," Ben spat, and Harry mock-gasped.

"Benjamin, I don't think you should be swearing in front of your child," Harry tutted, shooting me a smirk as he got even further under Ben's skin.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Gemma interrupted suddenly, stabbing her fork into Harry's waffles and taking a large bite, her plate somehow already clear.

"Well, apparently you are," Harry lifted his arms from the table as Gemma tucked into his waffles without hesitation, "Bloody hell, Gem, you're ploughing through that like a pregnant woman," Harry joked, his arm remaining lazily over my shoulder.

Gemma suddenly looked up guiltily, as everybody's eyes suddenly widened, "Um.." she trailed off.

"Oh, fucking hell," Harry buried his head into my shoulder, "you're pregnant too?!"

"What do you mean, too?" Celia asked sharply, eyeing Harry and I intensely.

"I meant Ana's pregnant," Harry said nonchalantly just as I was about to swallow my the pancakes in my mouth, causing me to choke for a few seconds.

"WHAT?!" Celia shouted louder than I thought possible with a look of shock on her face, as other diners now turned around and shot evil looks at us for causing such a disruption.

I took a long sip of my juice, steadying my breathing, "I'm not pregnant, Celia," I assured her, whacking Harry's arm once Celia had turned back to Gemma, while all he did was smirk playfully at me.

"But, Gemma - you're..?" Celia trailed off nervously, as Gemma polished off Harry's plate.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant, if you couldn't tell," Gemma smiled at the rest of us.

Celia  raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure? I thought you were just bloated-"

"Mum!" Harry yelped before bursting into a fit of laughter again, this time I joined him.

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