An hour later, after I had managed to get three beers into my system, he finally came looking for me. I was sitting outside where it was quieter, wallowing in my misery alone and questioning why he was bothering with me in the first place.

"Where did you go?" he sounded almost concerned as he stood over me.

"Needed some air." I took another swig of beer, noticing it was almost empty. I shouldn't have been drinking at all, at only seventeen, I was still too young. But, that night, I didn't care. I just wanted to wash away the rejection I felt when he called me his 'friend'.

"Come in and join the fun." He reached his hand out to help me up, either unable to see that I was upset, or choosing to ignore it.

"Are you embarrassed by me?" I don't know where my courage came from; probably the alcohol that was swimming in my system.

He dropped his hand and put it in his pocket, shrugging slightly. "Please don't start Di. It's my birthday."

"You are!" I realised. I hadn't wanted to admit it to myself before then. But, looking up at his handsome face under the starry night sky, the harsh reality of it was crystal clear. "You are embarrassed by me. That's why you don't want me to meet your parents."

"This really isn't the time or place Di."

My heart leapt to my throat and tears pricked my eyes. I couldn't help but notice that he hadn't answered and my stomach clenched painfully at his avoidance of the subject. "Why are you even dating me if you feel so ashamed of me?"

"Why are you trying to ruin my party?" he asked me angrily, his voice raising a few decibels. "This was supposed to be one of the best nights of my life and you made it all about you!"

Immediately, I felt guilty; like I shouldn't have brought the matter up in the first place. He was right; it was his birthday, his party. I had no business making a scene. It could have waited until the next day.

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

"See you later Di," he dismissed me and turned away. "I'm going to try have some fun."

He disappeared inside and didn't talk to me for the rest of the night, or a few days after that. I sent him countless apology messages and received no response from him. I began to get desperate, convinced that my time with him had come to an end.

Eventually though, almost a week later, he showed up at my house. I had been sitting on the porch, pathetically hoping he would come.

"I'm so sorry!" I burst out as soon as he climbed out his car, before he had the chance to speak. "I'm so sorry Mason. Please forgive me." Looking back, I'm ashamed to say that I almost begged him, stopping just short of falling to my knees to plead with him.

He gave me a small smile, and held his arms out so I could step into them. "That's okay Di, just don't do it again."

"I won't." I sniffled against his chest. The relief I felt was palpable, I would have done anything for his forgiveness. "I swear."

I stiffen at the sound of Mason's voice

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I stiffen at the sound of Mason's voice. I honestly hadn't been expecting to see him tonight.

"This will be my second," I say defensively, gesturing towards where Chase has excused himself to go pour another round. Although, I don't see why I should have to explain myself. Am I not allowed a girl's night out?

"Well look who came to crash the party," I hear Hailee mutter under her breath.

"Mason," I sigh, "you remember Hailee from high school? And this is my roommate Alexa."

"Nice to meet you," he smiles widely at them both. "Next round's on me!" He oozes charm and I can see Alexa is almost taken in by it but Hailee is definitely not. Mason places his own order, shouting over Gavin's rendition of 'Feeling way too Damn good', so that Chase can hear him. "I will pay for what these two ladies are having. And then, a whiskey for me and a bottle of water for my lovely girlfriend over here; don't worry about pouring that cocktail she just ordered."

Did he just order me water?

What does he think I am? A child?

More like a chubby teenager that still has to count her calories to please him.

Alexa can clearly feel some tension in the air as she turns to Hailee. "I need to um pee, come with me?" Hailee opens her mouth to argue. I can see her glaring at Mason, which he seems to be oblivious to, but Alexa grabs her by the elbow and pulls her away.

"Mason, what are you doing here?" I ask as soon as the girls are out of earshot.

"I wanted to see you," he glances towards where Chase is still preparing three cocktails and scowls.

I suddenly regret texting him to tell him our plans for the evening. I had just been trying to be a good girlfriend by letting him know, but it seems like he has taken it as an invitation. "It's supposed to be a girl's night."

He shrugs, pulling out his wallet and counting out some money and placing it on the counter. Chase seems to be taking extra time to pour our drinks, clearly uncomfortable with the drama that's unfolding. Behind Mason's shoulder, I can see a new person stepping up to the microphone. "I'm sure no one minds."

I do.

"Well then, can I at least drink what I want? I'm supposed to be having fun."

"You don't need alcohol to have fun." He points out. It's true, but that doesn't stop me from being irritated by it.

"Mason," I raise my voice slightly so he can hear me over some guy's rendition of 'Walking on Sunshine'. "You can't tell me what I can and can't drink. You're my boyfriend, not my father."

It feels like all the air has been sucked out the room as he looks at me coldly, no hint of amusement in his eyes. "I wasn't telling you what to drink."

People are starting to look at us, and I realise we have become that couple; the one that drama seems to cling to like a cloud. It's annoying going out with them because they always seem to have a stupid fight about something.

That's me and Mason right now.

So I lean towards him, placing my hand on the back of his neck, and place a soft kiss on his lips. He seems completely taken aback, probably expecting me to argue. "Please," is all I do say, trying so hard not to sound like I'm begging, because after all, I shouldn't actually need his permission.

After a moment of hesitation and a glance behind me, he pulls me closer and places his lips on mine once again, deepening the kiss and cupping my face softly. I am breathless by the time he breaks away, but when does, he's not looking at me, he's looking at someone over my shoulder.

I turn around and see Chase standing there, frozen halfway through wiping out a glass, our abandoned drinks on the counter in front of him.

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