Chapter 17 // Forgiveness

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It has been seven months they had left.

Seven months since you haven't talked to Jimin, or Taehyung, or any of BTS for that matter.

You felt that a big part of your life was torn from you when they had gotten on that airplane back to Korea. After all, you had been really close with them for a while before they left.

But seven months had passed and no contact had occurred.

You wanted to reach out, but you didn't want to give them the opportunity to block your number. It would mean that you could never connect with them again and you didn't want that.

You wished that you could merely explain to Jimin that you missed him: his laugh, his smile, his everything and that you prayed every night that he would just call you and make everything right.

But based on your last encounter with him, you don't know what to think about him anymore. Would he even respond to your call? Would he listen to what you had to say?

You didn't want to risk your heart bring broken again. So you just swallowed your feelings and continued about your life.

[Jimin Storyline]
Jimin sits on the cool, metal chair in the practice room.

He closed his eyes and wipes the sweat on his forehead away with the back of his hand.

His mind can't help but drift back to Y/N.

Like it always does.

He misses your jokes, your flustered looks whenever he said some sexual innuendo, everything about you. He just wished that you would call and sort the whole thing out.

He was scared to call you because of the way he treated you the last time you were together- he regretted every second of the confrontation after it happened.

But what if you didn't answer? And what if you did? What would he say?

Jimin let a single tear fall down his face, his heart and mind going through the same quarrel they did every single day.

Call her. Don't call her.

"Are you crying again, Jimin?" A voice said cooly from somewhere behind him.

Jimin whipped around, wiping the tear from underneath his eye only to see his best friend.

"What do you think, Tae?" he spits out, his voice catching halfway through.

"Is it still about Y/N? You need to get over her, man. That was like a year ago." Taehyung pulls up another chair next to Jimin's and plants himself in it. "I'm sure she's already moved on."

Jimin closes his eyes again and lets out a shuddering breath. His heart aches for you- longing to feel your touch again.

"I-i just want to let her know that I'm sorry for all that I've done," he whispers.

In actuality, he tried to prepare a whole spiel of things he wanted to tell you if you two ever crossed paths again, but he decided not to share this with Taehyung.

All he wanted was to know that you forgave him. He just wants to know that you aren't hung up on him. He doesn't need to be with you or need your love in his life.

Or does he?

Taehyung sighs and leaves the room, yelling over his shoulder, "if it were me I would just forget about it. Especially since we're going to Los Angeles for another concert soon."

Jimin's mind began to reel. He forgot about how they were going to Los Angeles again so soon.

Maybe he could see her again. He was praying that she would have forgiven him enough to come and see him.

Please, Y/N. Please just ignore everything I said before. I miss you. I want you. Just let me be with you again.

Jimin picked up his phone and pressed your contact.

His finger hovered over the "Call" button. If he just pressed the green button everything would be different. You could be back in his arms in a few weeks, looking in his eyes, loving and wanting. Or you could just ignore the call and Jimin would never speak to you again.

He clicked his phone off.

He didn't want to have an opportunity to lose you.

Hello everyone!!
I'm so sorrryyyyyyyy that I haven't updated even though I said I would. I have been so insanely busy I can't do anything I want to do.


So now I will do it. I promise!!
Also, thanks for 700 views <3

Love ya,


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