Chapter 3 // Seeing is Believing

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You internally scream and run backwards from the door straight into the closet. You automatically cover your mouth so that you aren't breathing loud enough for the intruder to hear. You hear the door open and you peek out from your hiding place.

In walks Park Jimin.

Your eyes go wide and you stumble a little farther into the closet until your back hits the wall and you feel something in your pocket fall out.

Shit! My phone! Damn these shorts. What am I going to do?? I can't just go out there, I would seem insane for sneaking in! I mean... I guess I am. But it would be creepier if I just walk out of here like nothing happened.

You start to have an internal war with yourself, conflicted between going out and seeming like a stalker or hiding there and wasting your chance at meeting Jimin.

You sigh. You decide on trying to sneak out when he isn't paying attention to the door. You watch his every move carefully: he walks up to the mirror and starts removing his eye makeup; he walks over to a chair and drinks some water; he takes of his shirt (oh my lord); he starts walking over to the closet.. WAIT.

Jimin starts walking over to you, expecting to open the door and find his clothes, not a girl scared shitless.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? You start to panic as he gets closer and closer.

His small fingers wrap around the sliding doors and in a scared rush you burst out of the closet and push him away, hoping to maybe startle him so you can escape without humiliation. He stumbles back, but quickly regains his footing while you are running towards the door.

"HEY!" You hear him shout from behind you.

You freeze and squeeze your eyes shut. You slowly pivot around to face him, looking down at the floor. You glance up to see him cross his arms on his bare chest, looking at you intensely- you look back down immediately. "

"Why are you in here?" Jimin questions, his eyebrows knit in confusion.

You swallow and try to reply, still looking at the floor, "I-I was in here f-for..." An idea comes to your head and you pull up your forged badge, hoping he didn't know the difference. "I was looking for a missing accessory. The... necklace, you know?" Unbeknownst to you, you bite your lip, a habit you have when you lie.

Jimin stalks over to you and wrenches the badge out of your hand, which is now white from you gripping it so hard. He takes a good look at it, then glares back at you. "This is fake. You're a liar."

Your heart drops and you lick your bottom lip nervously. You didn't realize how stupid you've been. You could actually get arrested for this if Jimin turned you in (and it is starting to seem like he might).

He takes a few menacing steps towards you and leans forward towards you. He growls in your ear: "I hate liars." His threatening voice sends shivers down your spine in fear and you blink a few times before nodding slightly. He steps a little bit back from you, never relinquishing his cold stare.

"Get out."



War of Hormone // Jimin x Reader StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant