Chapter 8

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Okay so since this is my first fan fiction, it'll be short. I'm shooting for 10-12 chapters right now.  but it could be a little longer if I go with my gut and just write the story I want it to be, but that story is emotional and will be very personal to me. So after this chapter you guys will decide for me: short, sweet & just a basic romance story or a couple extra chapters but it will be very, very emotional and I haven't decided if it actually will be a happy ending. Okay, chapter 8.


**One year later**

 "WAKE UP SLUTS!" I groaned and forced myself up, I am not going to deal with Beau's morning antics today. I punched Luke and his eyes fluttered open. "Come on birthday boy, before your brother pours water on you." "It's your birthday too!" "Mine was two days ago, we're just celebrating together. Now go wake up Jai." They had all slept at James and my house so we were spread all over the place. Me and Luke in my bed, Beau with James in his, and Daniel and Jai on the couches. Beau likes to wake up early and pretty much bug the shit out of us until we finally get out of bed.

A lot had happened in a year. Jai and Jessika finally got together. James found himself a beautiful singer Sarah De Bono. Beau and Daniel say they're still looking, but i think they'll just end up marrying each other. The twins and I had turned 18 a week after I had gotten home, and now we are 19. We all graduated, no one is going to Uni though, we have to focus on the boys' careers. The Janoskians are huge international stars now. They haven't traveled around much, but they would get mobbed anywhere they went.

Luke and I are perfect. We've gone on trips every now and then, just to get away from the fans and the boys. Just to be with each other and be in love.

The fans were all supportive now, I guess they realized that I wasn't going anywhere. Our names aren't exactly easy to make a cute pet name, but they're all working on it.

So yeah, today is the twins birthday and we decided to just celebrate mine today as well. We were having a huge party, but me and Jessika, being the amazing girlfriends we are, have not gotten presents.

"Hey Jess, you ready?" I asked, walking into the living room. "Yeah, let's go." "Where are you guys going?" "We'll come with you." Jai and Luke said standing up. Beau pulled them back down, "It's their girls day." I shot him a thank you look and pulled Jess out of the house and into the car. Our car rides are always the best, blasting music and singing at the top of our lungs. I was mid-singing when Jess turned it ouff. "What the hell!?" "What do you think Luke got you?" "You really stopped the music for that? I don't know, a giftcard to Forever 21 or something." "NO WAY! You guys have been dating for almost two years, you've been through a lot. It's probably something huge. Maybe a car!" I laughed, I did complain about driving Beau's filthy car a lot, but I don't think Luke would buy me one of my own. "I guess we'll see."

We walked around the mall for a while until Jessika spotted this cool looking music store. We walked in a in the back there were signed pictured of artists hanging. "OH MY GOD! JUSTIN BIEBER. IS THAT FOR SALE!?" Jessika scream. The man behind the counter looked a little scared, "Uhm yes. $1,000." "Damn, that's a lot. But, Jai adores him. Is it real?" "Yes ma'am." "Okay i'll take it." I looked around, but I didn't see anything that caught my eye. I had no idea what to get Luke. We walked around looking, but I was upset. Jess noticed, "Hey, don't wo- Oh my god. I know what you can do!" "What?" "SING." "Jess, you know I ca-" "You can sing, your voice is perfection. We  can set up a mic and you can sing The Perfect Two by Auburn! So cheesey, but he will LOVE it!" "Okay, i'll do it." This will be interesting.

We got home and luckily the boys were gone, Beau is my savior. Jess ran into my room and wrapped Jai's present. I ran through the song a couple times until i felt confident, and we went outside to set up the mic. I was plugging in the cables when Jessika wheeled out a projector and screen. "What's that for?" "Uhm.. Backdrop." I just nodded and continued setting up the rest of the party.

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