Chapter 7

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I'm sorry I left on off on such a bad note, but here we go!


I could hear talking, but the words made no sense. I tried to open my eyes, but it was impossible no matter how hard I tried. I decided on focusing on the words instead. They slowly came together. "That's why it's so hard to do this." was all I could make out. It was Alex speaking, what was she talking about? I felt something on my finger. Maybe she's trying to hold my hand, but moving it to show her I was awake was impossible. I heard stand up and walk and I instantly drifted back to sleep.

I woke up again to find the boys and my mom sitting around my bed. As soon as they noticed my eyes open they jumped up. "LUKE!" Jai screamed as he gave me a hug. I groaned and he quickly let go. I was then reminded of the throbbing pain in my chest and how it happened. "Where's Al?" Jai's face fell as soon as I finished asking. I searched everyone's face hoping to find a smile, but they all looked identical. Sad. "Where is she?" I asked again, the panic clear in my voice. No one spoke. Then finally Daniel decided to say something, "We don't know. Two days ago, after you had come out of surgery, she went and visited you. She came out and said she was going home, but she wasn't there. We've tried to contact her, but she hasn't answered anything. You go home tonight and are able to do acting you please in a week, we'll go look for her then." I just nodded slowly, I then remembered the feeling on my hand and looked down to find Alex's promise ring. I just stared at it, not exactly knowing what to think. I just wanted to sleep for the next week.

Alex's POV:

I had been at my dad's for two days now, and strangely enough he had been nice. Really nice. I'm guessing it was because he felt bad, maybe. But either way, I wasn't going to question it.

I missed the boys. I missed James being like a brother, an actual good one. I missed Jai being my Belieber buddy. I missed Daniel and Beau constantly making fun of me for always catching me and Luke making out. And god, Luke. I missed everything about Luke. He was my life and I had just got up and left him. But it was all for the best, I had caused him too much trouble already.

**2 weeks later**

"ALEX!" I jumped up. "Yeah?" "Get down here now!" I slowly crept down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. "Ye-" I was cut short by a fist hitting my face, hard. It contunied on my stomach until I fell. Then the kicking began. I couldn't breathe. My vision went blurry. Here we go again.

Luke's POV:

We had been searching for days now. Everyone had lost hope. I had to figure this out. I went up to my room and layed doown, thinking hard. Her voice slowly filled my head. "That's why it's so hard to do this." I now understand why she had said that, she was leaving, but to go where. It hit me. "Jai! Come here!" He ran in. "What did Alex say to you when she left the hospital?" "I asked where she was going and she said just home" "Okay thanks," and I shooed him out. I get it now. She never considered this home. "I have to go home." I now remembered the last thing she had said to me. I know where she meant. I threw on a jacket and sprinted out of the house. "Where are you going!?" Jai screamed. "To get Alex!"

I arrived at the train station and hopped on the soonest train. I couldn't' sleep, and luckily the ride went by fast. Hours later I was walking around her small town when it hit me, I had no idea where she lived. I spotted a girl who looked about Alex's age and stopped her. "OMG YOU'RE LUKE BROOKS." "Yeah, I need your help. Do you know where Alexandra Ball lives?" "Oh yeah, you two are dating. Well, she lives right up the road, last house on the left. Everyone knows where that nuthouse is." "I would say thank you, but you're a bitch," I almost laughed at what I had said. I didn't care what this girl thought of me, I just needed Al.

I was at the house in less than 3 minutes. I walked up the walkway slowly, when I heard a scream. I ran up to the door and tried to get it open, but it was locked. I ran around the side and to the back. I looked through the glass door and saw Alex laying on the floor, nose bleeding and crumpled in pain, and her dad walking towards the front door. He must've heard me try to get in. As soon as he had walked out the front door, I ran inside and closed it behind him and locked it. I did the same to the one i had come in through. I then rran to Alex and knelt down beside her. "My god Al, are you okay?" "I'm fine," she pushed herself up, "what are you doing here?" "I came to get you!" "I can't go with you Luke, it's too dangerous. I've caused too much pain. I'm sorry." "You can't just keep fucking running away. I'm not leaving without you. You're my everything. I need you. He doesn't love you Alex! I do! Be a part of my family." She tried to smile, but winced. "My arm." I looked and saw a nice gash on her forearm. "Let's get you out of here and patch that up." I pulled her up and opened the back door. We crept around the side of the house and saw her dad pounding on the door. We were getting away when Al stepped on a stick that made a loud snap. "SHIT RUN!" And we did.

We ran to a nearby park and went into the bathroom together. I wet a paper towel and cleaned up Alex's face. Her arm was still bleeding pretty badly so I took off my shirt and ripped off a strip. As I was tying it around her arm, she put her hand on my chest, tracing my scar. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "It's not your fault." I replied before kissing her. "Come on, let's go HOME."

"PARTY'S HERE!" Alex screamed walking in the house. "SNOOKI!?" Jai screamed back. "BETTER!" Jai walked out and screeched like a little girl. "ALEX!" and he jumped on her. This caught everyone's attention and they ran out as well, tackling her. "Okay, lay off my girl." They all jumped off and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Welcome home, baby." I whispered in her ear. "This time for good," she whispered back.

Escape (A Luke Brooks/Janoskians fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon