Chapter 6

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So like I asked my sister what I should do with this story and at first it was good, like "okay put him in ICU in a coma, but eventually he'll wake up but he'll have switched brains with someone!" and I was just like okay no. I've had major, major writers block. But, here you go lovlies.


 I awoke in an unfamiliar place. I looked around and realized it was the hospital lobby. I was laying across a couple chairs, Beau or Jai must've brought me here. Where exactly were they? I scanned the room and found Daniel, James, Jai, Beau, and Gina, their mom, in the corner. Were they crying? But why? Why were we here?

I got up and walked over. "Uhm, guys.. What happened?" Jai looked up at me and gave me a sad look. "I'm glad you're awake, but do you honestly not remember?" I shook my head and Gina let out a quiet sob and Beau instantly hugged her. "Greg came to our school during lunch. We were in the caferteria so he had us all trapped. He was looking for Luke, and he, uh, had a gun. Luke tried to get away, but.. he couldn't. Greg shot him, that's when you blacked out. But Greg thought he had killed him, so he turned himself in." "I remember now. Can I see him?" "They said no, not yet." "Screw what they say."

I stormed up to the front desk. "What room is Luke Brooks in?" "He's in 203, but visitors aren't allowed yet, miss." "I'm not a visitor, i'm his girlfriend." I left the desk and got onto the elevator. Floor 2. 200. 201. 202. And here we are, 203.

I looked around, no one in sight. I peeked inside and I hadn't gotten lucky, it was empty. I went in and closed the door behind me. I looked at the bed and the tears welled up. This was my fault. I should've told someone what Greg had said to me. I should've known that when he said he was going to hurt me that he meant emotionally. Physical pain goes away, but killing my boyfriend would cut deep. This is all my fault.

I pulled a chair up next to the bed and grabbed Lukey's hand. "Hi Lukey, it's me Al. I just wanted to tell you i'm so sorry that this happened. It's all my fault. I hope you can forgive me because I love you so much. Thank you for always being there for me, supporting me, and protecting me. You and the rest of the boys have become my life. I am in love with you and I always will be. That's why it's so hard to do this," I took my promise ring off and slid it onto Luke's ring finger. "I have to go home." I kissed his forehead and the tears started forming again.

I walked out to the lobby and gave everyone a hug. "Where are you going?" Jai said as I pulled out of his hug. "Just home." "Okay, bye Alex."

I went to Luke's and grabbed the few clothes I had there to bring them back home. He wouldn't want them. I walked out of the house and started walking. I wanted to walk, to clear my mind. I arrived about 4 hours later and walked up to the door and knocked. Hopefully someone was home, I didn't have a key on me. The door slowly opened and I forced a smile.

"Hi dad."


I know this is extremely short, but I wanted to leave off with a HUGE cliffhanger. I will post more later (:


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