Chapter 1

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First story on here, don't hate. I am American, so I will be using American terms, so do not tell at me when I say Mom or McDonald's. & When I say it's not a typical love story, I mean it.


"Let go of me!" I screamed in my dad's face. He just laughed and pinned me down, giving him an easy way to hit me. I wriggled my legs and found an opening, I lifted up as hard as I could. A groan escaped my dad's lips, informing me that I had succeeded. His grip loosened and I was able to get away. I bolted up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed my backpack, emptied it's contents, and started shoving clothes in. I ran back down the stairs and picked up my skateboard by the door. I was out of that house faster than ever before, but this time, there was no turning back.

My name is Alexandra Ball, I'm 17, and my life is a living hell. My mom passed away when I was 13 and my father has been taking his pain out on me ever since. I do have a younger brother, Greg who is 15, but he is stronger than my dad and my dad knows it. So I became a target. At first my brother tried to stop it, but there was no use, he's gone too often with sports that he can't always be there to protect me. Five years, and I have had enough. I felt bad leaving Greg, but I had to. He would understand.

Now, here I am. Running as fast as I can towards the train station. I wasn't a fast enough boarder to ride there, so I sprinted. I eagerly bought my ticket and zoomed past the crowd onto the farthest station, one way trip to Melbourne. I found a seat and immediately whipped out my phone, dialing the number I promised myself I would never have to, but there was nothing else I could do. It rang two times before he answered, "Alex? What's wrong?" "James! Thank god you answered. I'm coming." There was a long pause. "Okay, when will you be here?" "Uhm, like 3 hours." "I'll make up your room, when you get here we'll talk." The line cut right after he said that.

James is my cousin. James Yammouni. We hadn't talked in years, because the last time we did he almost forced me to come live with him and I screamed at him for trying to make me leave Greg with "that monster." But every now and then there was a fight where I considered living with James, but the guilt was always too much to handle and I backed out and promised myself I would never leave. Right now I sat on a train headed to Jame's, head in hands. I was sobbing, not only because of my brother, but because I broke my own promise to myself. It will all work out though. Everything is going to be okay now.. I hope.

I slowly drifted into sleep and it felt as though seconds later the trains bell whistled signaling we have arrived. I groaned and stood up, grabbing my bag. I stepped out of the train and took a deep breath. This is now home. Glenroy, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Not much is ever happening in this place. I continued walking until I saw James sitting on a bench and made my way over. I tapped his shoulder, he turned around and smiled. I forced one back and stood their awkwardly. "Well, my mom is outside waiting. Let's go."

We arrived to James house about 5 minutes later and I immediately jumped out of the car and bolted inside, straight to my room. Me and my brother used to sneka away from my dad and stay here every so often, so I did have my own room already. I opened the droors and put my clothes in. Once I was settled in, I layed down and dozed off.

Escape (A Luke Brooks/Janoskians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now