Version 3 Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

"Conrad do you have His Highness- Oh my, (Name)! You've gone and grown up into a beautiful young lady!" You were wrapped in the arms of a male with silvery lavender hair that rivaled Sephiroth's beautiful locks.


"Oh your parents didn't even bother to say that you'd be visiting," Gunter huffed.

"Wait, I thought you said you've never been here before," Haku said, interrupting your moment.

"Well, I thought I hadn't been, apparently I was traveling realms with my parents without even knowing it," you shrugged.

"Ok, since we have the same name, there had to be some way to tell us apart, so me and (Name) took to calling you Yuu-Kun," Yuri explained to the other Yuuri.

"Huh... Well it's better than when the bullies at school used to tell me that Yuuri was short for urine," Yuu-Kun said.

"And you didn't punch them in the face, why?" Yuri asked with a raised brow.  

"Your Majesty!" Gunter turned away from you and rushed over to Yuu-Kun.

"Well I see how it is, Gunter." You stuck your tongue out at him.

"He has been excited about this for quite a while," Conrad said in Gunter's defense.

"Gotcha. Hey how's Little Lord Brat doing?" You asked, remembering the blond haired boy who was your most frequent playmate whenever you made trips out here.

"Wolfram? Oh, he's usual..."

"Still bratty then. I still can't believe that he slapped me because I was leaving," you grumbled. There was a smile on Conrad's lips.

"You two got along well otherwise. He was probably just mad seeing you leave, don't hold it against him."

"Oh I got over that grudge a long time ago, though I'm sure after all these years he's forgotten about me."

"Of course not." Conrad shook his head. "Though he might be a little, overwhelming..."

Eventually, after a small talk with Yuu-Kun about how you weren't actually on Earth right now and some other things that centered around the demon kingdom, you were still trying to work out your last stay here. You were like ten at the time if you remembered correctly.

You were standing outside the cottage, listening to Yuu-Kun have a regularly scheduled emotional explosion while the Gunter and Conrad tried to explain some things to him.

You were quiet as you stood outside with Train, Haku, and Yuri. How strange to think that everyone here knew that you were from a different world all the times you visited. Then again you never really took notice of all the magic that everyone used, that suddenly explained why things would go wrong so often and in the strangest ways no less. But seriously, how didn't you notice the difference?!

Then again, you had just convinced yourself that it was some magical fantasy land tucked into a secret corner of the world so that its beauty could be preserved, go figure. What? You were ten!

"Well since he's safe should we be heading back to the guild?" Yuri asked aloud.

"Maybe I should stay back and see if I could head to the castle with them... They'd probably know how to reach someone I know," you said, feeling sad at the thought of going different ways with Yuri, Train, and Haku- even though you just met them.

"That's probably a good idea," Haku agreed. You put on your best smile as you looked at them.

"Why so down? If that doesn't work up and you don't feel like hanging around stuck up nobles then you're free to come find us." Yuri winked at you; his smile never leaving his face.

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