"Did you just yell at me?" He stepped closer to me and closer until I was backed up against the wall.

"I'm sorry-" he covered my mouth.

"You listen here, I'm powerful and I can ruin your life in a second. I'll do what ever I want to you. I did not hire your because I liked you I hired you because I need a good face to the public for my assistant. And you, baby boy, have a perfect body." He said.

"So if I want to do this-" he reached behind me with both his hands and squeezed my ass. I felt so humiliated and small.

"P-please stop!" I pleaded.

"Or this-" he reached forward and grabbed my dick from the outside of my pants and massaged it, making a moan I did not want to let out come out. "Tsk such a slut. I'll make you want me." He said before squeezing it really hard making me yell in pain then walked outside.

I have to put up with this. I need the money. Jisoo has a job to help mom out and I need to also, we can't loose the house.

Lately tax bills have been stacking up on the counter, along with my moms stress levels.

I had to put up with this. I had no choice.

My phone dinged and I took it out.

Taebeach_95: hows work Kookie?

I could not let Taehyung know either, I needed to keep this job and it's only the first day.

Jeon_Cena: good! I really like it here. My boss is really nice :)

Taebeach_95: Good. Want to hang out when you get off at 4? I get off at 12 today because it's my half day.

Jeon_Cena: Sure! ❤️

Taebeach_95: ❤️

Kris walked back in and I put my phone away.

"Who were you texting?" He asked.

"The person I'm seeing." I say simply.

"What's his name?" He asked in a low voice. I thought for s minute, should I really give this guy Tae's name?

"His name is Kim." I say.

"Ew. Such an ugly name." He sat down and went on his computer.

"Get me food. A salad and fries." He said and I nodded, heading out.

I still had half a day left.

Taehyung picked me up from work at four. I was so happy to get out of there. Mr. Wu made me feel so uncomfortable and helpless. Before I walked out I put a smile on my face for Taehyung.

I got in and Taehyung smiled at me.

"Have fun?" He asked me.

If only he knew.

"Yeah I love this job." I said and payed attention to the road, keeping a fake smile on my face.

Eventually we pulled into Taehyung's drive way and we got out. When we walked in I raided Taehyung's  snack cabinet.

"Hungry?" He laughed.

"Yeah boss would not let me eat. I was busy all day." I said as I found the Ramen.

"That's weird. It's mandatory to have a lunch break." Taehyung sajd and I froze.

"Well I was busy, I could have if I wanted to." I lied.

What really happened was lunch time rolled away and Kris said to get a salad or nothing so I don't get fat. I was offended knowing I was actually at a healthy weight but just said OK, since I was not a fan of salads.

"OK." Taehyung said. Then walked over to me struggling to reach and get Ramen. He put one hand on my waist and then reached above me and grabbed the Ramen and handed it to me. I blushed and said thank you.

His hand felt so natural there.

We did what we usually did and Watched a movie, then Taehyung drove me home.

I collapsed crying on my bed, letting everything out I had been holding back.
"Why?!" I screamed into my pillow.

I was unaware someone was home though.

A knock on the door startled me.

"Jungkook it's Jisoo. I'm coming in." She said then walked in.

I looked up at her and started crying harder.
"Koo! What's wring she came over and hugged me."

"N-Nothing I'm just hormonal-" I try.

"Jungkook what's wrong?" She asked again.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" I plead.


"N-No! It was not Taehyung!" I said quickly.

"Phew. What is it Koo, I won't tell anyone." She promised.

"My new job....my boss is sexually harassing me. He keeps squeezing my butt and threatening me and cornering me places. He even grabbed my dick. It's only my first day. I can't loose this job or we will loose the house. I have seen the stack of taxes and I know your can't handle it on your own! I also notice mom ain't home as much." I cry into her chest.

"Oh my god Jungkook..you need to quit! I'll help you find a new job." She suggested, rubbing circles on my back.

"No! This one pays good and took three weeks to find. I can't. I just cant." I said.

"Well if you won't get a new one...just please stay safe and call me if there's an emergency and I'll pick you up." She said, then grabbed her phone and Called someone.

"Hey Yuna I have to cancel the date tonight..something happened with Jungkook and he needs comfort right now." She said. Then hung up and grabbed my PC.

"Anime all nighter?" She asked and I nodded, blowing my nose in a tissue she gave me.

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