Chapter 3

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It was about 6:45 I was watching my brother perform live in front of millions of people. I can't stop but think to myself "Will that ever be me some day or am I just stuck in his shadow forever?" Just as I was thinking I get a text
What are you doing right now
Nothing why
I have a idea💡
What is it???
Want to go get dinner together?
Sure, I'd love to
Give me your address and I'll pick you up around 8?
ya that works
Fancy or causal
Fancy I really want to go to this new restaurant

I send him my address and start to get ready. I curl my hair put some light makeup on get into a cute floral dress by the time I'm done it's already 8. I get a text from Charlie that he was waiting outside. I grab my purse and get in Charlie's car. We talked for the whole car ride, I feel like really got to know Charlie. We get to the place and order Charlie gets a steak while I get the chicken and some wine. Like when we were in the studio Charlie asks me "What's it like being Shawn's twin?" I don't know if it was that I trusted Charlie or if it was the wine talking but I was honest "Everyone says " Oh your so lucky, THE Shawn Mendes is your twin." As much as I love Shawn, he's such an amazing brother to me but I hate the fact I stuck in his shadow. Like oh ya she's good but Shawn's better or if anyone says Mendes you don't go Abby Mendes or Mendes twins you go Shawn Mendes. And it just really bothers me." When I'm done Charlie looks at the with the most sympathetic look and grads my hand. "Even though I've known you for a little while I think your amazing and that you are not just Shawn's shadow I think your so much more then that". We talk some more it's late and driving home I realize I forgot my keys. "Charlie I kinda forgot my keys" "Is there any one to let you in like a roommate or something" "No I live alone and the locksmith doesn't open till 10am" "Well don't worry you can crash at my place to night I've got plenty of extra room" "Thanks Charlie". All I remember from that night was Charlie opening another wine bottle and the rest was blur.
I'm have so much time I can update every 12 seconds so ya expect more later hope you've enjoyed so far

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