Forced Apologies

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Hope rubbed her eyes trying to block the sun that was shining through her curtains, leaning over to glance at her phone, to find it was noon.

Hope was about to rush out of bed, when Hayley who was sitting and reading a book next to her, interrupted her frantic state, "Woah! Slow down! Where are you going?" She asked.

Hope looked at her dumbfounded while pulling out a random outfit, "Training? I was supposed to be there hours ago. Why didn't you wake me up?" She huffed.

Hope continued to rush around, and was trying to throw on her shoes and brush her teeth at the same time. Hayley walked up to Hope grabbing her hands to stop her, "You had a rough night, and we thought you needed a break." She said.

Hope shook her head, "If we learned anything from last night it should be the fact I should be training more." She growled, in frustration.

"You didn't even go to bed until this morning! You were also drinking half the night." She said, "You needed a break."

Hope gritted her teeth, "I am fine!" She snapped, "I don't need a break! "

Hayley ran a hand through her hair, "Hope, you have plenty of other days that can be filled with endless training." She said, "Today you are taking the day off because I said so." She said, staring her down so she knew she was not going to argue about it anymore.

Hope walked around her and back to getting ready at a slower pace, "Whatever." She said.

Hayley looked to her feet, "How about I make you something to eat?" She sighed. "You have to be hungry." She said.

Hope shrugged, "I am fine." She growled.

Hayley was tired of hearing that word, so she grabbed her anyway leading her to the kitchen, "Too bad!" She said, "We're going to get something anyway."


Hope uncomfortably finished the grilled cheese her mother made, and all while she continued to watch. 

Hope finished, craving some space from her mother, since Hayley did not seem go understand that she needed to back off.

Hope put her plate in the sink, and headed to her room to be alone. Deciding she was going to take a therapeutic shower, even if she took one last night.

The shower lasted a whole hour, and Hope felt relaxed now that there was a person constantly staring at her in pity. Hope was trying to get dressed but realized she forgot to grab a shirt, so she walked out  to go grab one out of her closet, and noticed Hayley was on her bed reading again.

Hope held her towel close, "What are you doing?" She demanded.

Hayley shrugged, "Reading?"

"Yeah, I see that!" She huffed, "I need privacy." She said, pointing out her towel.

Hayley rolled her eyes, "I am your mom...I made you." She informed.

"Doesn't mean you need to see me get dressed!" She argued, "I can do it by myself, I have been doing it for years now!"

"I know!" Hayley put her book down, "I just like the lighting in here, and your bed is comfortable compared to mine." She said.

"You are a terrible liar."

"I am just worried about you." Hayley admitted.

"Don't be!" Hope huffed, "I am fine! I just need some freaking space!" She said.

Hayley sat up, "But you are not fine, Hope! I can tell." She exclaimed.

Hope walked back into her bathroom, "You know what? You are right!" She said, and Hayley heard the slamming of things in the bathroom, "I am not fine with your constant need to hover around me, and treat me like an infant! I am not fine with everyone staring at me like I am moments away from snapping." Hope continued.

Have a little Hope- Originals fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum