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The party had been in full swing for a couple hours now, and James was having a panic attack. Finding out more than just their friends had shown up.

Hope had texted the gang earlier to invite everyone figuratively, but she passed faces she had never seen before some of them wearing other school colors.

Hope could care less, she was an inclusive person and everyone was allowed at her party.

It was busy, it was crowded, but everyone was definitely having fun.

Hope was downing drinks left and right, watching James run around like a chicken with his head cut off. Which was rude of her, since it was her idea to have a party but no one told him he could not enjoy it too.

Hope waltzed over to Kade who was standing by the Keg, and she began filling up another cup for herself, "I think this is the best party I have ever been to!" Kade laughed, "You even provided perfect entertainment." He said, pointing to James who was trying to break up a fight between two people.

Hope laughed, "I have nothing to do with that hot mess." She said.

Kade shook his head, turning back to Hope, "I thought you were going to cancel." He said, sipping his drink.

Hope raised an eyebrow, "What would make you think that?" She chuckled.

Kade shrugged, "I though James would of shut this all down." He said.

Hope laughed, "That would of never have happened! I never listen to anybody, plus he did not find out until people were practically walking through our door." She said.

Kade shook his head, "You are evil." He grinned.

Hope shrugged, and turned to watch some guys do keg stands, and failing miserably.

Hope rolled her eyes, "These guys are idiots." She rambled out loud.

Kade looked at the two boys,"What do you mean?" He asked.

"That's not even that hard!"

Kade laughed, "Do you think you could do it?"

Hope shrugged, "Easily, it is not even a challenge!" She said, "If they really wanted to prove something, they should make it more difficult!" She said.

Kade hummed, "Fine, I challenge you."

Hope smiled, "You challenge me?" She questioned.

"You can add whatever rules you want, and whoever wins between the two of us gets bragging rights." He said.

"I am game." She shrugged.

Kade looked to her, "But, the loser gets punished." He added, thinking that would make her back out.

Hope waved him off, "Bring it on." She shrugged.


James walked around looking for Hope, she needed to kick some people out before the party got anymore out of control than it was.

James was squeezing through the crowd, hoping to spot his auburn best friend, but bumped into someone, "Shit! Sorry." He breathed.

Lilly laughed, "Watch where you are going, James." She joked.

James rolled his eyes, "If there was enough space for that." He sighed.

Lilly laughed, "No kidding." She agreed, "But, this party is great."

James turned to her his face clearly expressing he did not think this party was great, "Yeah, but have you seen Hope?" He asked.

Lilly pointed towards the dining room, "Kade and her were by the kegs a few minutes ago, but they were doing some challenge." She casually stated.

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