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Hope tossed and turned until she had no choice but to get up, and head downstairs for breakfast.

Hope had no energy to deal with the day, and it was made obvious by her dark circles that had formed under her eyes, which contrasted against her skin which was deathly pale.

Hayley was concerned for the young girl, "Hope, are you feeling okay?" She questioned.

Hope put her head to the table, "Just peachy." She mumbled, "I Just was not able to sleep well."

Kol chuckled, "I bet."

Hope's head snapped up, and she gave him a deathly glare while kicking him under the table.

James entered at that moment, and this was the first time since he lived here that he was the last at the table, which they soon figured out why since he had the same dark circles as Hope and looked deader than average.

James would of been in better condition, but he caught the conversation between Kol and Hope.

Which had him up all night, waiting for Klaus to bust down his door.

"James, are you feeling alright?" Hayley asked, now concerned about the two teenagers who came down looking terribly dysfunctional.

James hesitated, "Why what did you hear?" He said, and they all raised an eyebrow in question.

James' eyes widened, "I mean, I am fine! Nothing happened. What would have happened? Nothing... I am just sleepy." He rambled, in panic.

Hope just slammed her head down on the table hoping this day would just get over with, but Kol began to laugh, "You seem a little on edge my friend? Did something happen we need to know about?" He said.

Hope rolled her eyes, "No, he's fine!" She growled, "We were both up late studying, and he get's like that when he is tired." She interrupted.

Kol grinned, "That's what they call it these days." Hope glared at him, while the other seemed confused, "It just seems a little strange to me, that both of you had a rough night." He stated.

Hope kicked him again, "Will you just worry about yourself!" She gritted out.

Kol rubbed his leg, "Ouch!" He groaned, "You don't have to keep kicking me." He complained.

Klaus growled in agitation, "What the bloody hell is going on?"

Hope shrugged, "Nothing." She stated casually.

Kol scoffed, "Liar."

Klaus glared, "Kol!" He warned, "You and James are acting stranger than usual, and Kol is being extremely irritating with his stupid side comments."

James looked frantically at Hope, but she just shrugged, "Nothing is going on!" They said in unison, but Hope's was more casual than James'

James rolled his eyes, "We are not acting strange, maybe you are acting strange!" He scoffed.

Hope looked at him incredulously, "Not helping." She mouthed.

Kol  was having fun with the amount of torture that he was putting them through.

Kol grinned, "What were you studying last night that kept you up?" He asked.

"Algerbra!" James said.

"History!" Hope said.

Hope and James looked at each other in fear and quickly talked silently with their eyes.

"History!" James said.

"Algebra!" Hope said.

Hope looked to James and shook her head, obviously they know now they weren't studying.

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