Welcome Home

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Hope had stumbled out the door, being pushed out by the angry man who was currently screaming at her so loud a vein was popping out of his forehead.

"You're pathetic!" He spat, throwing her duffle bag of belongings on the driveway.

Hope glared at him in annoyance, waiting for this to be over, "I don't ever want to see you near my house again." He declared, "Otherwise, you will be sorry!" He growled.

Hope felt the gush of wind that whipped against her body, as he slammed the door in her face.

Hope rolled her eyes, and exhaled deeply, before silently gathering her items that laid scattered around the driveway.

Hope shoved her bag on her shoulder and began her way down the street, the stomp of her combat boots being heard with each step.

Hope was not at all disappointed about what had just happened. It was routine, this month she would be kicked out of their place and the next month she would be kicked out of another.

Not that is was her fault, since everyone she lived with had all been major assholes.

Hope had an extensive file, that was littered with incident reports from previous families. Which labeled her violent, with a hint of behavior issues, and against all authority.

Which forced her social worker to find families that would be able to discipline her in a way to sort out those elements. But, it never happened, and it probably never will.

Which is what leads us to the present situation.

Hope carrying everything she owns, in a small dirty duffle bag, with no place to live, and storm of rage brewing inside her body.

Hope was required to head to CPS, and let them know what happened so they could find her a new placement. Which she was going to do, but then thought about it. In a month or so she was going to be doing the same thing all over again, and she was growing tired of the same old routine.

Why not just end the cycle and figure out things on her own?

Obviously she has been the most qualified out of all the people she encountered to take care of herself. Hope never lashed out, or locked herself in a room. Leaving her to starve and suffer from dehydration from days. That was the adults that were forced into her life, who decided they did not want to deal with a problem child.

Hope was used to it, so nothing they did scared her anymore.

Hope had finally made it to the main part of town, and adjusted her bag tightly on her shoulder. Entering the first diner she had seen, and plopping in a corner booth. It could buy herself sometime to make a plan, and not draw attention to the fact she was a homeless teen.

Hope slid her bag inside the booth, releasing a frustrated breath as she picked up the menu.

Hope began to run through the details of her current situation.

Money was one of the concerns she had, but Hope had been able to find odd jobs here and there to provide things the families would not. Which she has saved almost all of it, but it would never be enough to get a place of her own. It wouldn't even be enough to last until she found another job.

Hope sighed scanning the menu, trying to find something that looked appetizing that she could much on while she trying to figure out options.

Hope thought about couch surfing, but all her options lived out of town about three hours away. Transportation would be expensive, and she was currently try to save her money not spend it. Not to mention, there is a restraining order against her there with a clearance about the size of he town.

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