First Encounters

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Hope stepped hesitantly into the entrance, and immediately began to examine the space she currently in.

First thing she noticed was that there was no other person in sight.

Which was a little suspicious considering Freya assured her they were waiting anxiously for her arrival. I mean if you were spending 15 years looking for someone, you think you would want to be there when they actually arrived.

Second thing she noticed was the fact this place was practically a mansion.

Hope was met with a beautiful and extremely spacious courtyard when she first walked in, and stairs that lead to a second level with a wrap around balcony that looked to hold entrances to other rooms. It was a place Hope would never imagine herself stepping foot in, so she was amazed.

Hope couldn't forget the reason she was here though, so she dropped her bag to the cement floor and turned to Freya, "Not to be rude, but is anyone even here, because if not this was a waste of my time." She huffed.

Hope just finished that sentence when someone entered the room, and she quickly turned her attention to him.

Hope began to study the man, taking in his features, for when she has to give a description to the police  if this happens to go bad.

Dark hair, which paired well with his dark eyes, and a suit that screamed "I have money".

Hope took a step back out of intimidation, everything about him made her uncomfortable.

His stare that seemed to peer into her soul, and the silence between them that seemed too loud. Hope could tell that he was already trying to put her together like a puzzle, but she was not really an easy one to figure out.

Freya interrupted the awkward silence, "Hope, this is your uncle, Elijah." She said.

Elijah gave her a small smile, and stuck out his hand for her to shake, "What a pleasure it is to meet you, Hope." He said.

Hope grabbed his hand, begrudgingly, and gave a nod, "Yeah. You too." She mumbled, halfheartedly.

Hope was still staring, trying to figure out what she thought of him. It was her secret talent, telling if someone was going to be a problem for her, or not. Although, Hope was at a loss, and he seemed to be a mystery.

"Elijah, can you go retrieve the others." Freya asked.

Elijah nodded then walked away, Hope watched as he disappeared, and as it started to become real. Hope realized her current opportunity, and began to internally debate she was really ready for this. If she wanted she could run out the door, and escape before they were even able to meet her.

Hope looked to the door, but before she could make a decision she was already being joined by the rest of the family.

Hope turned to the people approaching, but jumped back as someone came running towards her at full speed.

Hope relaxed once she came to a stop in front of her, with tears in her eyes. "I can't believe.... you are actually here." This woman said, putting her hands over her mouth.

Hope raised an eyebrow, considering she had no clue who exactly this person was. If she had to admit they did look alike, but Hope had lighter hair and eyes, compared to this woman.

Hope waited for her to say something, but instead was grabbed in a bone crushing hug, which she reluctantly let happen.

Hope was a little disturbed by the fact this lady was still crying, but lightly patted her back hoping that she would get the point and let go.

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