Origins (Part 1) Replay

Start from the beginning

I look up to see Chloe, make-up caked face and all, smirking down at me. "That's my seat!" she grates.

"No it's not Chloe," I say flatly.

"Excuse me!" she screeches. "Adrien's arriving today, and since that's going to be his seat, this going to be my seat, got it? Go sit by that new girl over there."

Now or never...

"Actually Chloe, I think that she should sit over here." I look over to Alya to see her looking up at me in confusion. "She looks pretty nice, and definitely doesn't deserve to deal with you like the rest of us have."

Chloe lets out an enraged huff and drags Sabrina down to their seat as Alya rushes to my side.

"That was awesome, girl!" she exclaims. "Just like Majestia! She says 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.' And that evil girl over there," she says, pointing to Chloe. "You totally beat her!"

I look over at the box of macaroons and push it over to her.

I don't have a last one to split, but hopefully, this will do instead.

"Marinette," I say, introducing myself.

"Alya," she smiles back, taking a macaroon from the box.

As Ms. Bustier begins her lesson, I look over to Chloe to see her face full of disappointment. "Ughh, he should've been here by now," she says softly.

At the end of class, Ms. Bustier makes an announcement, but a growl from the back interrupts her, and I turn to see Ivan ready to punch Kim. "Kim!" He shouts.

"Ivan!" Ms. Bustier exclaims in a tight voice. "What is going on?"

"It's Kim!" he shouts stridently. "I'm so gonna get y-"

"Ivan!" Ms. Bustier interrupts. "Go to the principal's office!"

Ivan frowns, growling as he crumples the piece of paper in his hand. Grabbing his bag, he stomps out of the room.

We go to the library and start studying but are cut short by a huge thud, sending us out of our chairs and on the floor.

"Come on!" Alya exclaims, picking me up from the floor by my arm, dragging me to the surveillance screens.

On the top left screen, a stone beast shouts, "Kim!"

"A real-life supervillain!" Alya squeals. "GPS, check. Battery, check. I am so outta here!"

"Wait, Alya!" I shout after her.

"Where there's a supervillain, there's always a superhero close behind! No way I'm missing this!" She bursts through the doors and runs out.

Don't stop her, Marinette, you need her to defeat Stoneheart.

I look back to the screen to see a car skid to a stop at Stoneheart's feet. When the people inside run, he grabs it, shouts Kim' name again and throws a car at the camera, cutting off the footage. I flinch and shutter before grabbing my bag and rushing home.

Closing the trapdoor to my room, I rummage through my drawers and cabinets.

Where did I find it...where did I-

I quickly turn to my computer screen, where the news is going.

A black box with ruby red designs and symbol rests on the desk.

I rush to it, snatching up and popping it open, smiling at the familiar red globe, and almost squeal as it changes to form a more creature like shape.

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