Origins (Part 1) Replay

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"Marinette!" I hear a familiar voice shout. "Your alarm's been going off for fifteen minutes! You're going to be late for your first day back at school!"

I immediately shoot up at the last sentence.

First day back at school.....?

I look around to see I'm in my room, but it doesn't look the same as it has for the past two years.

Ok, everything's still pink, but there's not a trace of anything Adrien related.

The only time my room was like this was two years ago, before I met Adrien, and before-

My hands shoot up to my ears and feel for earrings that I've worn for years.

They're not there...


"Coming!" I respond. I take a deep breath, and hesitantly open the trap door, walking down the steps to see my mom working in the kitchen. "Morning, Mom."

I sit at the table and pour my milk, switching to the cereal before I remember something.

If I went back for two years, then I can fix so many mistakes I've made. Starting with...

I gently set down the cereal container, preventing the unlucky chain reaction from the first time.

I finish my breakfast and get ready, going downstairs to the bakery to hear my dad humming the national anthem. He turns to me with a box in hand, pushing them towards me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"The macaroons for your class! You didn't forget did you?"

"The macaroons!" I exclaim, trying to sound convincing. "Right! Thanks, Dad. They'll love 'em!"

"It's the least I can do after you lent me one of your designs!" he exclaims with a sing-song, showing a sketchbook with the bakery logo on it. My mom hands me my backpack, and after kissing the two of them on the cheek, I rush out the door.

The crosslight turns red, and I skid to a halt at the corner. I look to the street and see an elderly man crossing, shaky and slow.

That's...Master Fu! This was the first time I saw him! When...

I look to the side to see a car speeding towards him, not in any hurry to stop.

As quickly as possible, I grab onto his arm, and pull him to the sidewalk, just as the car rushes past.

I trip over the sidewalk, and watch as the box of macaroons goes flying. I land flat on my face and look back up to see the oncoming foot traffic destroy the stray macaroons.

Guess I can't fix everything...

"What a disaster!" a voice exclaims. I turn back and see Master Fu's still here.


This is when you get your miraculous, Marinette! Do it like the first time or the next two years of your life change forever!

"D-don't worry, I'm no stranger to disaster," I say, repeating what happened the first time. "Besides, there are still a few left."

He reaches up and takes one, taking a bit of it before giving a hum of approval and mumbling through his full mouth, "Delicious!"

I give a nervous smile before the school bell rings, and give a worried look towards the school. "Have a nice day sir!" I exclaim before rushing towards the building.

I run past the man hold the doors open, jumping the stairs and burst into the classroom just as Ms. Bustier tells Nino to sit in the front, which he reluctantly does. Walking up to my seat, I set my stuff down just to see a hand slam on the desk, and an all to familiar voice shouts, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

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