Chapter 23:meet again

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AN: time skip in this chapter .

Chicago , Illinois
July 10 , 2017
Time :1:45pm
Liza's POV :

With it being almost a month since Faith was born . A lot of stuff has happened . On June 31 Corinna gave birth to a baby girl named : Amelia Rae Smith . She has Todd's hair and Corinna's eyes . Trisha had her son named : Ethan Jacob Nash . He looks just like Jason . And just three days ago ,Gabbie gave birth to her son : Noah Kaiden Hijazi . Who looks like both Gabbie and Zane .

Today's the last part of filming our documentary about or story . We're all going to be meeting at a hotel in Chicago , which we can't wait for . Because we will be seeing Josh , Paige , Trisha , Jason and their kids . It's been a month but we miss them all so much .

When we arrived to the hotel we got our rooms and went to them . In the hotel they have a conference room where we all will be meeting to finish the documentary.

" babe it's time to go " David says as he throws on his black hat . " okay let me grab Faiths diaper-" " I already have it and the camera " David says . I grab my phone and purse and we walk out or our room and too the elevator.

When we get down to the lobby one of the producers, Katie walks us to the conference room . When we walk in everything is set up . Where we will be sitting and where the baby's will be . My mom was already down here talking to everyone else's parents . We then spot everyone and we walk over " Paige ! Trisha !" I say as I hug them . " Liza we've missed you " Trisha says " is this Faith " Paige asks and I nod . I then meet Little Hailey and Ethan. They are sooo cute , Hailey has Paige's eyes and she has Josh's hair . Ethan looks just like Jason .

Soon the interview starts . They asks us questions and such . Then they talk about it baby's . We go and grab them for the interview since the whole world will know that they made us get pregnant .

After the interview was over we all decided to hang out in Josh and Paige's room . They have a huge suite room and they share the four bedroom hotel room with Trisha , Jason , their parents and Trisha's mom.

The guys of course vlogged while hanging out . That's what they do . Josh made some funny puns and jokes about random things we were talking about .

Later on when we got back to our room I fed Faith and I put her down for a nap . My mom had went to hang out with the other parents so I decided to get comfy . I put on some dark red shorts and a white tank top . I sat on the bed while on my phone scrolling through social media's . Soon Faith started to cry and I got up and grabbed her . I listed her butt to my nose and I didn't smell anything . I'm guessing she's hungry . I sat on the bed and started to breast feed her when out of nowhere " LIZA !" was yelled . I looked over and David was vlogging and he started laughing " David it's not funny " I say as I throw a pillow at him . Every time I  breast feed Faith he always scares the shit out of me . He vlogs it and he usually puts it in the vlog . Everyone finds it funny and eventually I do too. Soon Josh and Paige came over to our room with Hailey . We took picture of them together even though we took pictures of all the kids down at the interview for the documentary.

But right now they both were looking at the camera while smiling. It was a perfect moment for pictures and I loved it . " Look at these girls !" Paige said as she snapped a picture of the girls . Soon it was time for Faiths nap and I put her down in the little crib they provided us with .

" hey babe ?" David says as he stands in the bathroom door " yeah ?" I ask as I look away from the computer " I was thinking , you know since I've been making a lot of money with vlogging and such . I-I was thinking maybe we could look at houses or apartments together ?" He said while stuttering . My mouth dropped open a little as I closed my computer " David are you saying what I think your saying ?" I say as I turn my body over to face him fully . He then walks over and sits on the bed beside me " Babe will you move in with me ?" He asks and I emerge him into a hug " Yes ! Yes of course I will !" I say and I kiss his cheek .

" I love you babe " he says " I love you too " I say as I pull apart and we kiss on the lips . I wrap my hands around his neck and his hands rest on my hips as we continue to kiss . But then we both move away and rest our foreheads against each other's .

" The reason I want to is because . I want Faith to grow up in her own house you know ? I want her to have a yard to play in and her bedroom to be hers you know ? I don't want her to live a life how I did . Having move than one house and being confused a lot " he says " I understand David . But will we have enough money for a house that's your talking about ?" I ask as I look him in the eyes " Well babe we're soon be be at 4 million subscribers and ere getting a lot of money now soo" he says as his right hand lands on my right cheek and his thumb rubs my cheek softly " then let's do it "
I say and he kisses me before walking over and kissing Faith

" She's going to have the best life ever. I promise " David says as he crawls into bed beside me and wraps his arms around me " I promise " was the last words I hear before I was out cold .

Total words :1058

Vote please ❤️

And also the 25th chapter will be the last chapter for this book. If you'd like a 3rd book let me know by voting or commenting . Theirs so much more to the story . Like they say

This is just the beginning 😏...

I wanna think loopylizardliza  and Violetadams420   for helping me with the names . If you helped me and I didn't give you credit please let me know

David and Liza ; High School Pt2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن