Chapter 7; caught

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Vernon Hills , Illinois
June  30 , 2016

Liza's POV ;
I woke up hearing laugher that sounded familiar. I quickly piped my head up . " is Liza awake ?" I hear a voice say . Shit it was my dad . I quickly got up . " David , David wake up" I whisper " huh babe ?" He replied " my dad is home early !" I whisper quickly . He jumped up after hearing what I said . He gathered his his black shirt from off the ground and his shoes . " Liza ? Are you up ?" I heard my mom say from outside my door . I immediately froze. " um I'm getting ready mom !" I yelled as I pushed David into my bathroom while pointing at it with one of my free hands . I quietly shut the door behind him . I rush to my closet to find a outfit and I put on this :

 I rush to my closet to find a outfit and I put on this :

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I put my hair up in a bun and I walk over to the door . " yes mom ?" I ask as I stand in the door way . " your dad is home and is downstairs . Also Gabbie is coming over with her mom to talk to your dad about the school " she says while looking behind " what is it ?" I questioned her . She then steps into my room and I move to the side and I close the door behind her . She then looks around and crosses her arms in front of  her chest. " David come on out " she said . Damn how did she know . The bathroom door then opened slowly " umm... hi Mrs Koshy " David said as he walked out the bathroom slowly . I just stood their silently " mom it's not what you think " I say " Liza it's okay if David comes over before I'm awake . I'd just like to know about it . " she says and relief covered my whole body . David was about to speak but I cut him off " of course mom I'm sorry " I say trying to play the nervousness off " well make your bed since Gabbie and her mom will be here soon " " okay " I replied as she left my room closing the door behind her . " woah that was close " David said " yeah I know " I said as I walked over to my bed to make it . " Babe I'm sorry we almost got caught " David said while helping me make my bed " it's okay but we need to be more careful . More secretive " I say while putting the pillows in my freshly made bed " Yeah you have a point " he adds . Soon after that Gabbie arrived and me , her and David were in my room

David's POV ;
Now Gabbie was over here at Liza's with us. I was on my phone as I sat on Liza's bed on my phone while her and Gabbie talked . " Hey guys do y'all wanna go somewhere ? Zane texted me and he wants to get out of the house " Gabbie said as she looked up at Liza and then at me " If y'all want yea " I say . " okay lets go " Gabbie said . The girls grabbed their bags and we headed down the stairs and I tot he living room where their parents were . " Hey Liza and David !" Gabbie's mom said happily " Hi Mrs Hanna " Liza said " Hey Mayor Hanna " I say " well mom me , Gabbie and David are going to go get Zane and maybe hang out somewhere is that cool ?" Liza asked as Gabbie also asked her mom " it's fine girls and David . Just text me where y'all are going to be hanging out at " Mrs Koshy says . We then head to the garage to get into Liza's Tesla (A/N: I totally forgot about them both having Tesla's . If theirs anything else I forgot please let me know 😂) I get into the passengers seat while Gabbie gets in the back " I told Zane we are on our way " Gabbie says as we drive down the road .

When we arrived to Zane's house he came out and hopped in the back with Gabbie . " wasssup bitches !" He says in a high pitch voice " hey Zane!" Liza says . " where we off too ?" Liza asked while driving down the road . Well let's go to the park like how we used too when we were kids" Gabbie said" where's that at ?" Liza " It's right down the road from IHOP " Zane added and we were on our way

Time skip

Liza's POV ;

We soon left the park and at a ice cream shop I dropped off Gabbie at Zane's and I took David home . When I walked into the house I headed up stairs " Liza ?" I hear my dad says . I check my phone to see its only 9pm and my curfew was 10. " yes?" I say as I walk into my dads room realizing my mom wasn't here " your mom went on a spa retreat with some of her friends . I need your help " he said " sure with what ?" I asked " mine and your moms 23 year anniversary is coming up . And I want to take her on a cruise " he said " aww that's so sweet dad " I say " but what do you need help with ?" I asked " Well I know she's talked to you about where she has wanted to go so I was wondering could you help me ?"
He asked . I then helped him and everything turned out good . I then went to my room and I got changed into some black shorts with a white shirt . I took off my little makeup that I had on and I laid in bed . After I text David good night I tried to go to sleep but couldn't . Then I started thinking . My parents will soon go on a cruise. Which means they will leave me home alone . Which means I can do pretty much what ever I want . Tomorrow I'll have to tell Gabbie to something
Total words ;973

Ik Ik I haven been posting in a while . Sorry I'm really busy bc my grades are shit . So I really don't have a schedule. Anyways I'm hope you liked this even though it was probably lame . Comment if you have any ideas for a future chapter and you will get a shout out if I use your idea .
Until next time Diza fan 💗

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