Chapter 15; A good day

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Location ; Ida Grove , Iowa
Friday August 12th, 2016
  Time : 1pm
Liza's POV :
Where here in a secret house . Living a life that no one wants to live . We've been kidnapped and no one knows where we are . Or if we are okay . Soon I feel like everyone will just give up on us . They will start to think we are dead . But no we are alive . Safe and sound in someone's home . Not our home .

We've been here for over a month . But it feels longer. Paige is 10 weeks pregnant she hopes for a boy and so does Josh . Todd and Jason are betting a pack of Oreos that it's a girl . Kristen thinks she could be pregnant . So does Gabbie and Trisha . Secretly so do I.

Winnie is making a special run today just for us . Go get us a test . Well the other girls really . I said 'secretly ' Ima take one secretly later on .

Since we are trying to live our life here to the 'fullest ' Its like everyone has decided to try and have a baby . Corinna said " having a baby might make us happier down here " but Trisha says " but what if it will have to live down here for ever " . We all have mixed emotions on it .

Winnie won't be down here until 6 with the test . So everyone's trying to just chill until then. Right now I'm in the bathroom in mine and David's room . The door is closed so no one came see . I look at myself in the wide mirror . I then turn to the side and look . I then turn back to where I'm now facing it straight like . And I pull my pinks and white shirt up . I look and then I turn back to the side " theirs no way I'm pregnant. " I whisper to myself quietly . But then again I'm skinny . And I have a little stomach . But it looks some what bigger . "No it's just me seeing things . " I whisper to myself . I then turn the lights out , I open the door and walk on out .

David's POV ;
I'm in the living room with Zane and Scott . The only thing that's in my mind is everything . Like how Kristen , Gabbie and Trisha might be pregnant. And why isn't my Liza ? Like we both said we should go ahead and have one . Instead of lying to Vince and Winnie . But maybe she's scared . I might have to talk with her about it later .

Paige and Josh seem really happy . More happy then before . It's probably because they are having a baby . I remember when my mom was pregnant with Toby . She was really happy . Even though my dad wasn't even in the picture . I wonder how my dad and and my step mom are with this . I hope my dad doesn't blame my mom for it . My mom had told me a story before . That when I was two or three I ran off from her in the mall . And my dad had blamed her for it . And he wanted to file for custody of me but he lost it . They found me 20 minutes later in the bra part of JC Penny's . My mom says that my dad was always over protective over me . And I think Ester. But my mom says he was only in the picture with Ester from when she was first born - 3 months and then he came back when she was like 1 .

I remember when my da left for good . That's when my mom found out she was pregnant with Toby . I made sure I wouldn't treat any girl . Not even my sister . The way my dad treated my mom . It's just so rude and not called for . Georgia was a whole mother story . We were on and off . And she cheated on me like 5 times .

But when I met Liza . I knew it was something different . They way she didn't care how people looked at her . She never tried hard to impress me . She was always herself . And I liked that . No . I loved that . She knows that I don't like her wearing makeup because she's beautiful the way she it . But she wants to . She said to me before that she's doesn't wear it for me . But she wears it for herself . But since she likes to then she likes too . I'm not gonna make her stop wearing makeup .

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Corinna and Liza walk into the room . " me and Liza are redoing our nails ! Anyone want theirs done? Toddy?" She says girly like . " my nails ? No way " he says and Corinna puts on a baby face " pleaseeee! Pretty please?!" She says again " ughh fine . Just no pinks or purples of any type " he adds and they laugh . " D what about you ?" Liza asks me " sure why not" I say and I sit on the ground with the . Soon Jason and Trisha comes in followed by josh and Paige . The girls decided to surprise us with the colors of our toes . Josh and Jason was pressured into doing it as well. I just hope it's not pink or purple .

" okay we're done " Trisha says happily . I open my eyes and look down at my toes . They were black . My favorite color . I honestly like them . I looked beside me to see that Todd's toes were Orange , Jason's were green , and Joshes' was yellow . " oh my god I love them !" Paige says " take a pic of them " Liza adds . I pull out my camera and snap a shot . " now we needa pain ours " Corinna says and the girls nod . I stay on the sofas to let them dry . While doing that we watch a 'Friends ' on tv . Everyone else had watched it but me and the guys had to catch up with the girls . I'm super surprised they got us a Netflix account .

Soon the girls were done with their toes . They colored them the same colors so it would match . I then took another picture because it was cute . Soon I heard the same noice of so many locks unlocking . And Winnie and Vince walked in

Liza's POV ;

Winnie and Vince walked in . I couldn't it was 6 already . " hey girls , we are in a rush so here take them tonight or tomorrow morning and we will be down to see the results tomorrow at 11:30am " Winnie says as she hands the bag to Trisha . " thanks Winnie , bye " Trisha says. We then called Gabbie and Kristen into the room and they pass out the boxes. " Liza wanna come with me ?" Kristen asks and I nod . I walk with her into her and Scott's room and she takes her test

In the box where 3, three test . She only took one " um Kristen ?" I ask quietly " hmm?" She asked as she turned to face me " um, can I borrow a test ?" I question her and her eyes widen " of course Liza " she says quietly understanding I didn't want anyone to hear . She hands me one and I take it .
Three minutes went by quick. Kristen's has been sitting their for 6 minutes . She wanted to read her when I read mine . On three we both opened our up and read them .

Later on ...
David's POV ;

It was now 10 pm . I just got changed into the comfy close to sleep in . Liza walked out of the bathroom with a towel rapped around her hair . She was dressed in a navy blue shirt and grey leggings . She dumps her dirty clothes into the hamper and she walks out the room .

I walked down the hall to living room . I see Gabbie , Zane , Scott and Kristen playing Mario cart . I guess no one has token the test yet . Because it did say wait until the morning for the best results . I then went to talk to Jason in the kitchen for a little bit .

Soon we go into our rooms and Liza comes up to me . I take this as a time to talk ." Babe if you really don't wanna-" "David I'm pregnant " she cuts me off . And I smile . I quickly hug her " you took a test ?" I ask and she nods . " with Kristen. She's pregnant to" she says and I smile happily . Because I'm happy

Total words ; 1420

Yeah so at the beginning I might of lied 🤣. Clickbait am I right ?🤣But this is wear the break begins . I hoped you like the book so far . Please vote . But if you read my other books . You'd see that it ended kinda like how this book did  . 

Until next time . Bye Diza and vlog Squad fans

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