Chapter 6; Dom & Erin

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Vernon Hills , Illinois
June 29 , 2016
David's POV ;
Today is Doms birthday and I can't believe he's turning 16 . I remember being little and we used to talk about how middle school would be our year . We were those type of kids . But tomorrow is also Erin's birthday too so we are going to be celebrating both today . I heard a knock at my door and I went to answer it to see Zane . " Wassup Dobrik !" He said pulling me into a brotherly hug " hey Zane " I say with a smile . " Zane Hijazi is that you ?" I hear my mother say from the kitchen . She peers out of the kitchen with a smile " Hey Ms Jones " Zane says as he walks over to hug her " Zane it feels like forever since I've seen you !" She said hugging him back . " Well mom we have to get going . " I say " oh right Doms party . " she says as she gives me a hug goodbye . We then walk over to Zane's car and head to Liza's .
When we arrive Zane honks the horn " Zane you idiot what if her dad comes out or something " I say and his eyes widen " lie " we both say in sync . I then see Liza walking out of her front door and down the drive way . When she tried to open the back door Zane had locked it and started recording her on Snapchat . " Oh my god Zane !" She says while covering her face with her hand . Then he barley rolls down my window " LIZA IF YOU WANT TO GET IN YOU HAVE TO KISS DAVID FIRST!" Zane said while laughing . He rolled the window down even more she then lifted my face up and kissed my cheek " You didn't say where " she says " wow lame " he said while unlocking the door and she gets in .

We then head to Doms house since his and Erin's party will be different . They both decided for us all to have a party during the day with all of our friends . When we arrived to Doms everyone was in his bedroom . I sat in the middle of Liza and Scotty . We all made Snapchat videos of us all doing crazy shit . I recorded Heath and Erin dancing together . While Todd recorded Gabbie and Zane singing to Sorry by Justin Bieber .

Liza's POV ;
Soon it was around 6:30 pm and Dom and Erin's party was over . Zane drove me and David to David's house because I was having dinner with them tonight . We said our goodbyes before walking into the house ." Hey mom me and Liza are here !" David yelled which echoed through the whole house . Then Ester , Sara and Toby ran down stairs " moms not here " Ester said " where is she ?" David asked " she had to do a shift at the hospital and she didn't want dad to get us " I understand . Did she make anything for dinner ?" He asked while walking through the living room " No she said that we could order pizza " Sara said while sitting in the couch . " yeah but we have no money" Toby added . " well how about this . Y'all get in your pjs and get ready for bed while David and I order the pizza ?" I suggested and the agreed and ran up to their room . " I can't believe my mom forgot about them " David said while sitting on the couch putting his head in his hands " it's okay David . Now we are here and it's all good " I say . " I'm going to order the pizza " I add and he nods

Shortly ace rot arrived . We all gathered into the living room with the pizza and we watched  a movie . " Look at the time it's past your  bed times " David said . I check my phone to see its 15 minutes til midnight . " I'll help you put them to bed " I say . We head upstairs to esters room . She was 11 and she said she's to old for story time . Sara was 8 & toby is 5 so we read them a story book . After that we walked a little down the hallway  " good night I'll see you tomorrow ?" I asked " Liza it's almost midnight your not walking home this late " David said " I'll be fine " I replied " I don't want you too . Stay here it's not problem " he says . Knowing him I couldn't say no because he's to over protective " fine . But I'm going to need some clothes " I say and he smiles

David's POV ;
We walked into my room and I went to my closet . I grabbed Liza one of my black shirts and Grey sweatpants . " I'll leave so you can get dressed " I said while walking towards the door " it's fine David" she said " just turn around or something " I listened and turned around but I can't lie . I did take a couple of looks at her body . She is my girl friend anyways . " I'm done " she said and I turned around .

A little time passes and I went and checked on my siblings . After I did I closed their door before closing going back to my room " I'll let you sleep on the bed and I'll be on the couch "I said " David if you silly ?" Liza asked " your my boyfriend and I don't want to be alone " she said and I smiled and nodded . I closed my door and crawled in bed with her . I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her head into my chest.

Total words ;917

Sorry for the short and lame chapter . I just wanted to let you guys know that this book will be having 15 chapters too it . Now this is chapter 6 so theirs only 9 left to go . Since I'm write too books it's kinda a struggle doing two at once .
Still have no schedule so sorry .

David and Liza ; High School Pt2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu