Chapter 14; destination

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Location: unknown
Monday August 1st 2016
Time : 1pm
David's POV ;

Today we heard something great . Something that we thought we would never hear . They finally connected out missing case to. Jason and Trisha's . Then they connected it to Josh and Paige's . We all are so happy because they had leads from their cases . Hopefully we will have one in ours soon .

But the we had to go back to our normal ways as soon and we heard Vince and Winnie make their way into the room . Scott quickly changed the channel to Drake and Josh . " Hey guys . We were just letting y'all know we won't be visiting for a couple days . " Winnie said " yeah we are going on some business meeting . That's why we stacked y'all up with a little extra food " Vince said we all nodded with out saying a word . I then looked at Kristen who was sitting right be where Vince and Winnie were standing . Her eyes opened wide as if she saw something . She started to breathe a little heavy but soon calmed down . She turned to me and held up a finger as of telling me to wait ' and I nodded . After we said our goodbyes to Vince and Winnie and they left that's when Kristen broke her silence . " Guys I know where we are !" She says happily . " Ida Grove , Iowa " She says calmly " wait what ?! How do you know ?!" Gabbie says " Winnie had her keys in her hand . She had a key chain that said "Ida Grove, Iowa . On it " " she says . Everyone was happy . Now we know where we are and Iowa is a neighboring state to Illinois. Link then ran into the room and jumped on Kristen . She starts to lick her face an we all laugh . I take out my camera and take a picture . " Guys guess what I just realized " Jason says " I just realized we haven't been in the pool since we have been here" he adds and everyone realizes it's true . " well then let's go !" Corinna says as she gets up with Todd hand in her hand . And they ran down the hall to their room . Kristen and Scott do the same . I get up and hold my hand out to Liza's . She smiles and takes it and we run down the hall into our room . She closed the door behind her. We ran to the drawers and get our bathing suits . I grabbed my dark blue ones and I started to strip and so did she . We lived together and we have seen each other naked so why not? When I got dressed I looked at Liza who had her bathing suit on . It was a pink bikini but there bottoms was black . She was finishing tying the things and she turned around . She ran over to me and kissed me . I immediately kissed back as my arms made their was to her waist . Her arms were around my neck . She was so happy . Which made me happy .we pulled away and we looked into each other's eyes " we gotta live the best we can here " she says and I nod . She goes into the bathroom and grabs some towels and motioned me to the door . We run down there hall and we saw Zane and Gabbie up ahead interning a door . We followed and I couldn't believe what I saw . It was a huge ass pool with colorful water slides . To the side it hand chairs and a ping pong table by it . And a bar , wow .

" here " josh yells as he throws me and Liza a pair of goggles . Liza catches here and I catch mines . We walked over to the chairs were and Liza sat the towels down . " let's get in . " I say and Liza takes me hand . We walk in same as everyone else . The water was warm like really warm . Liza wraps her legs and my waist and my hands are on her back . Even though we were here we are not true happy . Now one here really is . We all want our normal life back .

" Liza you know if you don't want to get pregnant you don't have too . We can just say that you can't get pregnant or something " I whisper into her ear . She looks up at me with a side smile .
" David what if we don't leave here ? I want to live life to the fullest even though we are young . " she says with a small smile " I say let's do it . I don't want ya to get hurt " she says and I nod . She places a kiss on my cheek but our romantic little moment ended when Josh says
" anyone want some beer ?" Me and Liza  both turn towards . I didn't think we'd have beer here " he'll yeah man !" I yell as Liza unwraps her legs from me and we get out the pool .

I walk over towards the bar and josh passes me a beer . I don't hesitate to drank it . Scott and Todd are over here taking shots while Liza is talking with Trisha and Gabbie . After a couple sips of my beer we all decide to get into the pool . " who wants to race down the these two slide ?" Zane asked "I will!" I yell and we go up the walk way to where the two slides are . " on your mark get set ... go !" I hear Liza yell . I jump down the slide and cross my legs " holly shit !" I can hear Zane yell . We did some turns and drops which surprised me because where the pool is located how could it have all of this . Soon I land in the pool and I realized I won " yay babe you won !" Liza says while hugging me . " you were just lucky Dobrik " Zane says and we all laugh .

Later on
After we got out of the pool we all changed into some dry clothes . Me ,Todd and Paige cooked Dinner and we all ate while watching Drake and Josh . Surprisingly everyone likes the show and we even made jokes about how Josh looks like the Josh off of the show . It was around 10 and some of us were  heading to bed . But I couldn't find Liza . I walked down the hall and into the kitchen . Nope she wasn't their . I then see the tv on in the living room and Todd an Corinna were watching the bachelor . I was about to ask them if they have seen Liza but I then noticed something . I curled up body fast asleep in the sofa . It was Liza. She was sleeping so peaceful . I didn't want to wake her so I picked her up bridal style and carried her into our room . I laid her on the bed while I took her socks off her feet . Her toes were pained black and purple . I'm guessing she did them with Kristen because hers are also painted the same color . I then tucked her in and I laid right beside her in the bed .

Total words ;1175

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