Chapter 17:backintime

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Ida Grove , Iowa
June 1 2017
Time ; 1;45pm
Davids POV ;

It had been about 40 minutes since we have heard or seen from Todd . Corinna was nervous on the couch . Liza and Trisha were comforting her . " shit " I hear Zane say " what is it ?" Me and josh ask in unison " V and Winnie are back " he  said . Fuck . " Paige go tell Liza to take Corinna to their room " I tell her and she rushes out of the kitchen . " their out of site " Zane tells us and still no site of Todd . " if he's not back we got to wrap the window back " Jason says " we're not leaving my Best friend out their ! " Scott says " y'all he's running " Zane says and we all back up .

Before you know it Todd is sliding back into the kitchen . " quickly wrap the window " I say and Jason starts to wrap it with Saran Wrap and they take it so you can't tell it's not a window . E then heard the sound of the door unlocking " Todd your have dirt form outside on your shirt . Go to yours and Corinna's room and jump in the sorry now !" I whisper yell and he hurry's down the hall . " everyone act normal " Josh says and we all go to our own areas

Liza's POV ;

As me and Trisha were comforting Corinna in her and Todd room the door bursted open . Revealing a out of breath Todd with a dirty shirt on . " Toddy! " Corinna says as he closed the door behind him and emerged Corinna into a hug " we'll all talk later but V and Winnie are back and I got to get rid of this shirt " he says as he starts to take it off " here give it to me we'll put it in the wash right away " I say and he hands it to us . He quickly hugs me and Trisha as he goes into the bathroom for a shower . Corinna quickly grabs their dirty hamper and I put the shirt under some clothes . Trisha and Corinna head down the all too the laundry room and I head to the living room . Gabbie , Zane , josh and David sat in their . As I walked in further I saw Winnie and V " oh hi Liza I . David told us you were asleep " she says as I sit beside David " baby girl has been kicking so I couldn't" I lie and she nods .

About 20 minutes later they leave and everyone meets in the living room " so ?" David asks " what happened ? Where did you go ?" Gabbie asked .
" when I got outside I noticed a house across the street . So I ran over . I nocked on the door and no one answered " when he said that everyone sighed " that's not all" he adds " I ran to the back of the house and the door was unlocked ." He says . He then continues tell us everything  . " if you called the cops then where are they ?" Corinna asked anxiously " since we don't know the exact location they are sending cops out everywhere . " he says " sooner or later they will find us , they have too " I say

That night @ 10:45pm
David's POV ;

We all sat in the living room watching a tv show called iZombie . It has be a total of 9 hours since Todd escaped and called 911 . So far nothing has happened . I could tell everyone was feeling down so I decided to make everything better . Or at least tried too . I got up , took the remote out of Scott's hand and I turned the tv ff .No one got mad they all just looked at me .
" I know where all down thinking we're not going to be saved . But we are , the cops now know that we all are here in the town of Ida Grove and they have to be searching . I'll be back " I say as I go to the kitchen. I grabbed pen , pencils and a lot of paper . And I start to pass it all out ." With this I want you to write down what y'all all want to do when we get out of here . It can be anything ." I say . We all start to write and afterwards all of ours turned out to be similar . All wanting to hug and see or families and raise our kids .

" wait " Liza says . We all looked up at her . " when we get saved . We all won't be together " she says as she looks at all of us . " Paige and Josh will go back too New York and Jason and Trisha will go back to Boston " she adds . We all look at each other , some even looking at the ground . " that's true " Paige said sadly .
" let's not ruin this moment . We'll have get each other's numbers and social media's " Scott says and that seemed to make everyone else happy . Soon we all agreed to go to bed .

Around midnight .
Liza's POV ;
I woke up to someone shaking me and calling my name . I open my eyes to see David . I quickly propped myself up with my elbows " what is it David ?" I asked . " babe Todd and everyone came in here a minute ago . They all hear sirens close to the house " he says and my eyes widen " this is finally it " he say and we rush  out the room .
Total words ;889

To be continued ....
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David and Liza ; High School Pt2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant