Chapter 11

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Tobias POV:

I decided to sleep on the floor so I wouldn't creep out Tris anymore than she already was. I finally get her back, and she doesn't remember me. I wonder if that's how she felt when I was under the simulation, accept now she isn't a murderer.

I wake up and make breakfast. Tris still isn't awake so I take a shower and get dressed. When I come out, Tris is sitting up in bed. She looks at me. I smile at her, but she doesn't fully return it. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Good. My head doesn't hurt as much." She says. I have a plan to see if I can get her memory back. We can't go to my fear landscape for two reasons. 1.) we don't have the serum anymore. 2.) she doesn't know what a fear landscape is, and may end up being more freaked out than me.

I give her new clothes to wear that I got from Christina. She asked me to take a shower, so I let her. When she comes out we drive to (the old) Dauntless Headquarters.

One part that makes it harder for her to remember is that most of her memories are with factions. Not seeing people I'm certain colors may make it harder.

When we get there we sit in the cafeteria. Most of the police are training or in the city, so were alone other than a few people walking in and out to get snacks. Uriah, Christina, and Zeke walk in.

Another thing that makes it hard for her to remember, is that a lot of her memories involve people. Sadly, almost half her friends are dead.

"So, I lived here?" Tris asks. "We'll, you lived in a different part of town with your mom and dad, but when you were 16 you decided to go here. This is-" Christina starts to explain, but I cut her off. "Let, me try." I say. I grab Tris' hand and lead her through the tunnels to the large net. It's still there, but no one uses it-except for fun, maybe.

"Climb on the net." I say softly. "Why?" She says. "This was one of your first memories, here in Dauntless, as a Dauntless, with me." I say. "Ok" she says. She climbs on and then stares at me. "Go ahead, to the middle, just lie there." I say. She crawls to the middle and lays out her body. For a few seconds she just stares at the sky. "I feel..." She starts. "Free" "Thats just how you felt the first time." I say. "I had to jump off a building into this!" She says, sitting up and looking at me. "I never mentioned any jumping?" I say and smile. "Wait, I'm remembering!" She says. Tris gets up and falls on her back. Then she giggles and climbs over to the side of the net. I grab her hand and pull her down. What did I say when I saw her? I was so in awe from her being first I barely knew what I was saying.

"What's your name?" I ask. "Um..." She says. I hope that's because she remembers and not because she forgot. "Make it a good one, you don't get to choose it again." I say. "Tris, Tris, Tris!" She yells and hugs me. "I remember a little. I was up there, took off my sweater, chucked it at some kid, and then jumped! You caught me, and I changed my name to Tris!" She exclaims. I'm so excited I could kiss her-I haven't in a while-but that would be creepy so I just stick to hugging."Welcome to Dauntless" I say. Uriah, Christina and Zeke walk in and join the hug. They must've been ease dropping.

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